BLM Press Release Transferring Land In Montana Back To The State

Only took 130 years to get it done. Dang our government moves slow.
“After 130 years, the BLM has fulfilled the State of Montana’s final land selections so that revenue from these lands can benefit Montana’s state school trust, and thus the children of Montana,”

It's for the kids. Gosh, makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. How about you? (hint:sarcasm)
Big difference between 5,816.63 and 5,816,630.
Sometimes I need to read more slowly.....🤯
“revenue from these lands can benefit Montana’s state school trust” From -6000 acres? What’s the plan? Will they want to sell it? What’s the land like? Are they going to log it? I am pro forest management Randy.... Can it be selectively harvested, or is it old growth forest that should be preserved? There seems to be more to this story...
“revenue from these lands can benefit Montana’s state school trust” From -6000 acres? What’s the plan? Will they want to sell it? What’s the land like? Are they going to log it? I am pro forest management Randy.... Can it be selectively harvested, or is it old growth forest that should be preserved? There seems to be more to this story...

This was passed in the MT legislature in 2015 as part of Senator Fielder's long attempt to transfer all public lands. It was signed by Governor Bullock & the Obama Administration began working on it before they left office.

it's a rare chestnut, a bill sponsored by the chief anti-public lands legislator in MT, signed by the biggest public lands gov in MT history, and carried out to fruition under two subsequent administrations.

The land now will be managed under State Trust rules, which include land-banking (selling on marginal lands for better lands).
When I read the release early this morning, I wasn't fully awake and thought it was 5,816,000. Glad it was not that.