Yeti GOBOX Collection

Bison Discussion Group Meeting

Per acre doesn't work. If the association is recommended that cattle Animal Unit Months be applied to bison they are providing bad info in my opinion. Though probably calculated from domesticated bison, the National Range and Pasture Handbook provides AUM equivalents for many species. The range of values for bison are 0.65 to 1.65 that of cattle depending on time of year and sex/age/condition of bison. FWIW...
Got the second days audio up and notes on the alternatives discussion. I can barely sit through all that so I have been procrastinating doing the notes for the economic and wildlife designation discussion which really upset me and apparently several of the discussion members as well. I had gotten a phone call I couldnt miss, stepped out for 5 minutes and when I came back 3 people were up and moving around, one pacing furtively. Some people sitting were posturing, others with looks. I asked someone in the back what happened and he just explained that it got hot on the bison classification discussion. I still havent heard that part yet. So I keep doing everything else but that. Anyway, I drafted this cartoon a couple months ago before a meeting in Lewistown and decided to further procrastinate with it.

And so no thinks I am advocating wild free roaming rampaging bison on private lands like Godzilla in New York, I am just talking about a wee bit of public land roaming for the shaggy beasties. :)

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