Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Birds heading North?


Well-known member
May 27, 2018
Northern VA
I have seen an increase in goose numbers lately in my area. Tonight I thought I heard something flying over the house and opened the window to hear some tundra swans going past. Always nice to hear the migration start no matter which direction it's moving.
Pairs of canada geese returning to nesting sites on frozen marsh in Iowa.
Tundras are stacking in n Utah pretty heavy right now, should be headed out fairly soon
The main channel of the Mississippi is opening up. The eagles have been here all year. Goldeneyes, mergansers and other divers are following the ice line. Yesterday the trumpeter swans were on the move, I heard the first sand hill yesterday too.
Bird Dogs never left...It only froze 3 times this year.
P.S. they don't migrate they just beg for food. 💥 CLUSTER OF ROADRUNNERS (1).jpg
I've only saw specks here one other time which was in the spring. In the last couple days I've saw several flocks of specks and one flock of snows.. crazy. Sure is funny how the birds know it's not hunting season, taunting the dog.
