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Bipod help


New member
Oct 6, 2009
Boise, Idaho
I have never used a bipod or sticks but as I get older I am needing more help keeping steady. I have what the doc says is a familial tremor and I can hold my hand relatively still without any weight but as some as I hold anything, I begin to shake. If I have time I usually put my pack under my gun but this year in Wyoming, I got to where I wanted to shoot and my pack is below me and I didn't want to risk the movement of getting it in place. I have decided on a bipod over sticks and just wanted some input on the size range. Prone position, a 9 inch height would be optimal but for sitting, 25". Most I have looked at don't cover that range. I am leaning toward the Harris 9-13 since I think most of the time I would use it would be prone. Any suggestions on what you guys that use them would have would be appreciated.
I have the 9-13 but i wish i would have gotten the bigger one.. Turns out im sitting alot more instead of laying down... I will probably end up switching here before to long... I guess its just up to you really though.
Also check out versa-pod. While I like the stoney point system the rubber where the legs Y tends to break. Had this happen multiple times and switched to versa-pod.
I must be missing something. I HAVE a Harris bipod 9-25" & they also make a 9-27" bipod... unless they stopped making them. I really like my bipod.

good luck to all
the dog
I must be missing something. I HAVE a Harris bipod 9-25" & they also make a 9-27" bipod... unless they stopped making them. I really like my bipod.

good luck to all
the dog

I have the Harris 9-27" too. Great product. Works great and I've had mine for close to 15 years with no problems.
I have the Harris 9-25 that swivels. I absolutely love it especially when I am on a side hill and can keep the gun level. I take most of my shots sitting on my bum rather than prone, just seems to work this way for me most of the time due to the terrain I'm on. Harris bipeds are expensive but well worth it, and you only need one anyways cause you can swap onto any other rifle with a swivel mount.

How heavy is the Harris 9-27? I looking to put a bipod on a Winchester model 70 featherweight 30/6 for elk hunting.
check out the rapid pivot bipod from stoney can get multiple sizes and it only takes a second to attach/detach them from your gun.

Yep, great product. They make several heights and collapsable models and even tripods. I use the short bipod for prone shots. The flex in the legs allows the rifle to recoil properly without jumping which can happen with rigid legs like other brands. I like not having the bulk of the bipod permanently mounted on the gun as well. As Muleyfanatic says you can break the rubber Y if you spread it too far so I have a piece of gorilla tape around each leg that limits how wide the Y can spread and it fixed the problem completely.
Whatever you decide on get a Harris swivel, i have had one for years no problem, i bought a copy to put on another rifle, damned thing fell apart after 1 year, made in China no doubt.
I also made a quad pod out of 4 garden poles, just like shooting of a bipod.
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If you get a Bipod, be sure to get one that pivots. You will rarely be setting on level ground.
The 9-13" isn't tall enough for prone shots in the sage out west and on the occasion you need to shoot uphill a bit it's too short for that too.
I prefer the 9-13 non pivot. The pivot is not as stable and there are a number of ways to level out quickly. This length allows you to shoot prone, to clear debris such as the sage you can use your pack off the ground or to sit use the sage and mash your pack down on it. I have the longer bipods but this what I prefer.
I spent the money on a Harris 9-25 with swivel, and will NOT buy any other. It works perfectly on any rifle I put it on, and in my opinion, if it works, don't fix it!
Any thoughts on the 12"-25" pivoting Harris bipod for sheep hunting?

Or should I stick to the pivoting 6"-9"?
I'm not a fan of bipods for hunting in steep country. I find shooting sticks more versatile, lighter, and I like that they're not connected to the rifle the whole time. If I can get low enough to use a 6-9" bipod I'd just use my pack as a rest. FWIW...
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