Binos $500 - $600

Full disclosure, I know very little about binos. All I know to do is look through them and pick the ones I like best. I checked out some models from most of the big name optics in your price range (nothing higher than $600) before buying a pair of 10 x 42 Theron Questa HDs from Schmalts for a little over $400. I wouldn't trade them for any of the $500 - $600 pairs I looked through.
Nikon Monarch 7 or Vortex Viper... have both in 8x42. Both right around $500. Slightly less actually.
I love my Zeiss Conquest HD 10x42. I got a demo pair and paid less than $700 for them. I'd recommend them to anyone.
Full disclosure, I know very little about binos. All I know to do is look through them and pick the ones I like best. I checked out some models from most of the big name optics in your price range (nothing higher than $600) before buying a pair of 10 x 42 Theron Questa HDs from Schmalts for a little over $400. I wouldn't trade them for any of the $500 - $600 pairs I looked through.

I got my Questas last year and I'm plenty pleased with them.
Scout out a pair of used Leica Trinovid BNs on ebay, it's the best deal around on high end quality at lower/mid range prices.
That deal on rockslide is great. If you want new vortex viper would be tough to beat. If any way you could swing a couple more hundred the zeiss conquest, meopta, and leica are fantastic.
Another vote for the Questa. Got mine last week before my archery elk trip and was thoroughly impressed, regardless of the price. My buddy was trying to steal them all weekend and is ordering a pair soon.

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