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Big Win for NRA: Mentally Disabled to Buy Guns Again


New member
Feb 26, 2003
South of the Border
Trying to figure out if this:

  • Makes America Great Again
  • Creates 1,000's of Jobs
  • Keeps Americans Safe

ATLANTA - In a sign of the new climate taking hold on gun issues under a Trump administration with a Republican-led Congress, a rule to keep guns out of the hands of certain mentally disabled people is on its way to being scrapped.

Under the rule, the Social Security Administration was to provide information to the gun-buying background check system on recipients with a mental disorder so severe they cannot work or handle their own benefit checks. Finalized in December as the Obama administration wound down, it affects an estimated 75,000 beneficiaries.

Gun-control advocates say the rule was meant to affect only those found to have a mental illness that makes them a danger to themselves or others, but was written too broadly. The rule didn’t make certain people ineligible to buy a firearm, but was designed to ensure the background check system was comprehensive, accurate and flagged those already deemed ineligible.
So where was that in the constitution that granted unelected bureaucrats at federal agencies authority to strip American citizens of constitutional rights with no due process?

Although it is obnoxious these battles for basic rights have to keep being fought, I do enjoy the incessant, infantile sniveling of angry, tiny, powerless old men who belong to an increasingly irrelevant political ideology.
Why are all your posts about Trump or politics? What does this have to do with hunting at all? I get you don't like Trump and that's fine but some people hunt and read this forum to get away from the madness of daily life including politics.
bright red Depends?

That explains why they're running around with an extra safety pin on their chests.
Silly me thought it was just some obscure, symbolic political gesture.
Is this in any way connected to wearing big, fuzzy fake pink genitalia on heads and stomping around moaning about perceived fake injustices?
Man, one question leads to another in this rabbit-hole.
A mystery for another time I guess.