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BHA and the green decoys


New member
Jun 18, 2016
Cedarburg, WI
Been reading a lot on the funding for BHA and it does not look good. From what little I saw they are funded by very anti hunting sources. I support their mission and love me some public lands but after a quick internet search I'm left scratching my head. Does BHA stand for hunters or are they a "green decoy"? Looking to big fin for some clarification here. I know Ty Stubblefield is on the level but I really hope this is a big smear campaign.
I'll bite.

BHA has never done anything to go against what is best for Hunters and Anglers. All the donors that green decoys bull chit lists have a couple things in common with sportsmen, they appreciate wild things and wild places.

If I were you I would try to connect the more plausible dots that are those organizations have realized BHA is doing a great job for public lands and wild places.

Trying to connect the dots that some non hunting organizations donated money to BHA therefore making BHA an anti hunting group is a big stretch.
I appreciate that you have come in search of more information. The topic has many threads on this forum, and some others.

To save you a lot of research, it is a smear campaign and nothing more. The smear is funded by the lowest of worthless parasites that exist in this country and abound in Washington DC. They have a couple of front men that wouldn't know elk chit from Milk Duds. They are butt hurt that hunters are not going to roll over and hand the our public lands to their dark money funders.

Every time these ass clowns decide to take another swipe at BHA, TRCP, TU, or any other group, I give even more support to those groups. If there is any truth to the saying that you can judge someone by the character of their adversaries, then the groups smeared as "Green Decoys" can hold their heads high.

Ty is a great guy. I go to plenty of BHA functions and they are filled with folks like Ty. When I was at the Rondy in Missoula last April, it was the largest collection of badass backcountry elk/sheep/deer hunters I have ever assembled with in one large facility. If the clowns behind the Green Decoy movement had showed up and spewed their venom among that crowd of serious hunters, I suspect they may have used the early morning hours to conduct a "tooth inventory" (their own teeth).
All it is, is a smear campaign and has been verified as so, even by oil executives who recorded the beginning of it.
I thought as much. What I see as a big problem is when you Google BHA, not a lot of good things come up. As John Q Hunter looking into this organization I would have reservations about joining after a brief internet search. For the record I am a member of BHA and would be so even if Stalin bequeathed his fortune to them.
I hear the same crap all the time where I live, and wear my BHA & RMEF sticker on my truck as a big FU in your face with pride.
Call me on it and spew the bile and I laugh in their faces.
I know one really great outfitter & guide who is always spewing this BS. In reality the folks and policies he supports would kick him out of the Wilderness & NF that he is one of the few outfitters that has permits to use. I guess he could still guide on the rich guys land or the corperate back forty. If the whole place was logged as it "used to be" without gubberment innerfearance as he suggests,there would be no forest. These same folks complain about the damn elk & antelope eating all THEIR cattle feed. And their forefathers(dads & grandpas) wiped out the elk here the first time.And they drive new PU trucks every year on the $ they get for the LO tags they receive .
I thought as much. What I see as a big problem is when you Google BHA, not a lot of good things come up. As John Q Hunter looking into this organization I would have reservations about joining after a brief internet search. For the record I am a member of BHA and would be so even if Stalin bequeathed his fortune to them.

I sometimes wonder if the anti-BHA people are paying for google ads to bring them to the top of the search.
I'm quite certain that they (anti-BHA people) have been using SEO (Search Engine Optimization) consultants.
I'm not the smartest guy on earth for sure but I'm not the stupidest either. BHA is a great organization and I'm a proud member. The comment Randy made about tooth inventory is right on, I'd have been right in the middle of that and loving every friggin minute of it.
I concur with Big Fin, having been to the last two Rendezvous's you be hard pressed to find a bigger, better, and more badass group of hunters anywhere on this planet. I continue to give annually to the organization and hope to bump it up to life member status next year.
I became a life member earlier this year. The wife let me make payments ;) and that Kimber rifle is going to be saweeet! I wouldn't hesitate to do it again. It is a great organization and they are one of the few standing between us and the public land thieves in Washington DC. Hopefully there are enough members in Ohio to have a chapter soon. I am a pretty conservative minded individual, but if anyone wants to call my public land views liberal because I support BHA,TRCP and RMEF, go right ahead. Ain't no skin off my back.
I'm gonna rant. It's my day off. Then I'm going to the big city. ;)

I admit I'm not on top of this so I Googled "definition Green Decoy" and got me an edumacation. Nothing good at the top, that's for sure. You don't get that kind of top line billing simply by being popular. Somebody's got their money out there.

Politics and money are a wily coyote. I remember back when "liberal" was a good and honorable term and thing to be. Then Newt Gingrich, et al, and the Republican Revolution and Limbaugh and the 1980s rolled around and it became a dirty word, so much so that even liberals started to stiff arm it. They became apologetic and changed to "progressive" and what not, on the defensive ever since. Our founding fathers, liberals every Fking one, are rolling in their graves.

My point here is not to argue "liberal" but to make clear what happens when you let the opposition define the terms of debate and, in reality, define you. Liberals should have stood up early on and poked a stiff, thick, hard, calloused finger in the chest of those pussy mfkers and called them out, violently if necessary, on their slimy, wily, monied, chicken-hawk, political BS.

Hunters, especially conservative Republican hunters, had better stand up on their hind legs and push back. And I mean push back HARD, or you will lose who you are in the public eye. You will end up fighting rear-guard, defensive, responsive actions; making excuses and trying to clarify what it is that someone else said about you, denying you are Green, and besmirching the Green types who are with you on the land transfer issue (divide/conquer). You will have lost half the battle. Perception is reality.

You have to be smart, of course. You can't let them become the victims of bullying or they will play that card, point fingers, and complain about how mean and unreasonable and violent you (and the Greens) are and how that must mean they are right and you are wrong. But you can't take this crap lying down either.

Here's a fantasy: Get the best of your best of the blood sport side, who's killing credentials are unimpeachable, conservatives, Republicans, etc. who are in your camp. Then, get the Greenest of the Green on the other side, maybe PETA and others. Sit down and agree that regardless of differences, you all agree on the federal land transfer issue. Do public advertising, T.V. Commercials, together, side by side, laying out the agenda of the assholes. Basically saying: "We straight up hate each other, but . . ." Then call the transfer assholes out on their lies. Poke that finder in that chest, hard, and call them balls-out liars to their face and challenge them, beg them, to sue you. You say "Want to call me a 'Green Decoy'? Yeah, right. I call you liar to your face. You call us a 'Green Decoy' again and we will sue you for . . . " Then the Green types say "If you say these conservative killers are in bed with us, then we call you a liar to your face. What are you going to do about it? 'Green Decoy' is a lie, told by dishonorable liars and cowards."

Of course you have some smooth PR type rework that fantasy so it doesn't come across as amateur hour (I'm no PR type and admit it sounds stupid), but you get my point. Part of Trump's appeal is he's in-your-face, with that finger in your chest. And, as some wag on here already said: The sting in rebuke is the truth. Make it sting. Rock those assholes back on their heels, then push them down and kick them when they are down. Then, in your best Teddy Roosevelt voice, say "Bully! Please get up; for we must knock you down again! Bully!" If you don't send these fkrs packing once and for all, they will be back again, and again, and again. Sagebrush Rebellion Ground Hog Day. And you will always be on the defensive and making excuses.

End rant.
Rick Berman is a scumbag lobbyist of the highest order and would smear anyone providing he is being paid for it.
Sorry if I am reading this wrong, but it appears you just joined this site. I hope it's to find insight, but I find it hard to believe anyone could ask this question without having some pretty big preconceived notions. Google BHA, you find plenty of evidence of all the great work they've done. not sure where you are getting your info from. Not speaking for any other BHA member, but I have a hard time believing someone would ask the question you asked on here out of simple ignorance. I hope I'm wrong,

Edit: I can't help but smell a rat here. Join this site barely a month ago, ask the above question and then a few paragraphs later say your a BHA member? That's a head scratcher.
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