Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Betrayed By Your Hunting Photos

All good advice, just too bad that hunting has come to this.

Used to be that people honored each others spots, even when they knew where others hunted.

Not the case now, cut-throat, win at any cost, do anything you can to find out where somebody else has had success.

Ethics and sportsmanship have been lost in the hunting world.

+1 Buzz

A big part of the fun is scouting a new spot not knowing what it will produce.

I think it's a common attitude as the sport grows. With more recruitment of new hunters and the social media era, jealousy is a real issue.

Hence the cut throat attitude. I remember my first 2 years deer hunting, when I was 12/13. I wanted to kill a big 4x4 like the guys in the magazines and on TV. We can't afford to lose any guys willing to share cool horn porn stories and pics to get us through the winter.
My stealth mode compact car was vandalized at a trailhead last spring. Not just nut fleas - saber toothed crotch crickets.
No big deal. Most of the places where we have taken our deer and elk are so far from roads and rugged most hunters are not willing to go there.
Pretty pathetic to try and figure out a spot by google earth.I agree 100% with Buzz.I actually enjoy map reading and figuring out good spots to checkout from 2000 miles away.I never really knew people did this till my moose partner told me he could figure out where people hunted by pics.I guess that's how the new generation scouts.I'll stick to the way I doit
Simple really. Just have 5 kids.......and run two businesses...........and coach basketball, baseball, and football while attending the girls cheerleading and volleyball.......Once you do that, you don't have time to look at photos, scout, open google earth, or hunt anymore:)LOL
Anymore, unless you are hunting an OTC tag, you will be going years between premium tags in most western states so there is little to keep secret.

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