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been gone awhile


New member
Nov 20, 2001
Tuckerton, NJ
Business kept me away for a couple of years, I always liked this site. Sold the business, started another one an I am back. Hope to have as much fun as we did in the past.
New gig is West Crick Outdoors!

Doing fishing Charter trips off the East Coast.

We have bottle blankets which I will introduce later on, still working out the kinks on them.

This may seem strange to some of you guys on here, but on the East coast its working for me.

Its not really a guide service, its a maintence service for your deer spots. We place your stands on the site you pick, we trim your shooting lanes, maintain your trail cams, place bait of your choice and time frame.

Being on the East Coast, alot of people have long comutes to the cities to go to work. (some of our people drive two hours one way to work). Weekends especialy this time of year are designated for either family or fishing.
After comuting to work, working all day, then sitting in traffic on the way home, there is not alot of time to get out of your suit, wingtips, grab your muck boots and head for the woods to groom your spot. What do you do, you hire us, we take care of all that stuff for you. We wear scentlok (I know that the effectiveness of this is debatable), rubber gloves, and take care of everything. With us helping you monitor your trail cams, you know what the activity is in your area. We may also spot a better spot and recommend it.

Come opening day, all you have to do is get in your stand, and be prepared to harvest a deer.
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