PEAX Equipment

Been fighting it for 40 years....

Horn Seeker,just think you have about 40 yrs of huntin left,look back on what you've seen and where ya been the first 40!! Me myself!! I keep wandering whats over that next ridge,sometimes certain things in life you just can't get enough of.Or I say what in the hell am I doing here??
Thanks for cheering me up! I turned 30 today and was kinda bummed about that but then I think to myself, "at least i'm not 40!" Just kidding, happy birthday!
Happy B-Day, HS!

40... I was recently reminded of my age when speaking about some music band and this 20-something young buck looked at me as to say, "whoooo?" Interesting as things that go around come around... haha!

Happy B-Day to Highmountain and DouginID as well. :)
Happy birthday HS. 40 was several years ago for me, and the hunting just keeps getting better, have a great birthday!
Thanks all...

Nah, I'm not ready to cash it in yet. Heck, my dad turned 70 this year and is still running bears and cats with the dogs...and matter fact, killed his first archery elk last year! I'm hoping when I get to 70, it will be the new 40!
My buddy turned 40 yesterday....... so you're not the only one losing the battle. I turn 38 next month. Before I know it I'll be 83 !!!