Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

beasts of burden


New member
Jun 1, 2003
hi there, reading about some of the adventures you blokes are about to begin leaves this Aussie a touch envious..best of luck to you all & safe hunting.
In the comming weeks l too plan on finding company in them wild places. The mountains will be given a rest in exchange for an excursion to an Ol' friend, the Northern Territory (top end of Australia)in pursuit of Water Buffalo and maybe a wild pig & donkey thrown in. At 3500klm's one way, she's a fair hike, hopefully the old truck gets us there....ds
here's some pics from the Northern Territory, taken some years back.




Cool pics!
They are friggin awsome.

Good luck to you again this year. Hope to see some more pictures like those. How about some stories to go with the pics.
Wow, that buffalo is impressive! Good luck on your expedition.

I agree...the buff is bad azz. Good luck on your journey and hunt!
Glad u liked the pix.. Hunting opportunities are difficult in NT as the majority of land is privately owned, leaving the option of a guided hunt as ones only realistic chance at a Buffalo. Though my plans were to harvest a beast unguided. To cut a long story short, back in ’95 l tossed in my job, assured my girlfriend(now wife)that l would return and left home in search of a solo hunting adventure. Living in Melbourne the Northern Territory is on the other end of Australia. I had no real time frame though l ultimately was away for about 7 months..damn near turned feral out there
The friends l made were varied, though ultimately l befriended an aboriginal fellow and was given the chance to enter Arnhem Land (Aboriginal only land), white fella's require aboriginal consent to enter. It was in this location that l secured the buffalo(all meat was taken and distributed to the locals) as well as given the oppurtunity to associate with a unique race of people. In early Oct' l plan to visit my friend in Arnhem Land once again and hopefully taste once more some of it's varied offerings..ds
That is a great story and sounds like a fantastic experience to me. Getting to do something like what you did will forever be a fantasy to me. However I get to learn about things like that from people like you on message boards like Moosie's HuntTalk!

I hope to hear more about your experiences.
Great pics & storie, hunting them buff.s with a bow sounds like great sport. Hope ya get another chance to arrow a buffalo, good luck.
hey, thanx again for the kind words. Yep there is much to learn from sites such as this. Especially for the likes of me, who sits on the other end of the globe fantasying about one day chasing beasts that u blokes have available. As far as Buffalo are concerned they are a top beast to bow hunt. You can easily feel under gunned with a bow in hand, for the beasts have a reputation for being a little cranky..ds
here's a couple more pix of buff..enjoy
I don't know what's more scary, seeing those massive horns or the picture of you with them.
Cool shots!
fill us in on the stalks and the hunting equipment used done there.
Now I am envious
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