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Bear hunters banned

Now I'm curious just what sort of circumstances led up to this incident. Lots of details left out of this article.
Curious to get thoughts about Google participating in the evidentiary process by the Feds...
Are you curious how they participated or why?
My assumptions is the investigating officers obtained a cellular warrant for a specific location that Google complied with. I believe the information is "meta data" which is a list of cellular phone numbers associated with a specific place and time.
Are you curious how they participated or why?
My assumptions is the investigating officers obtained a cellular warrant for a specific location that Google complied with. I believe the information is "meta data" which is a list of cellular phone numbers associated with a specific place and time.
I'm thinking more about cell phone data as it relates to probable cause. I'm sure there is some precedent that permits this kind of evidentiary process, but I was a little surprised. Typically, a search warrant is required to enter someone's home and that search warrant requires probable cause for it to be issued. In this case, can the Fed's evidentiary process start with Google data to reduce the scope of perpetrators or do the Feds have to first find probable cause before they can get Google data? Or is our location information not treated the same as our home?
I am glad they were caught but the headline is miss leading, this happened 8-10 miles from the park. How far away from the park do they need to be before they are not yellowstone grizzles/wolves?

This gives a little more to the story

I am glad they were caught but the headline is miss leading, this happened 8-10 miles from the park. How far away from the park do they need to be before they are not yellowstone grizzles/wolves?

This gives a little more to the story

That’s a lot more details, thanks for posting it. That first article is definitely misleading.
I am glad they were caught but the headline is miss leading, this happened 8-10 miles from the park. How far away from the park do they need to be before they are not yellowstone grizzles/wolves?

This gives a little more to the story

Shot at it 40+ times with Ruger 57s? Wow!
I'm thinking more about cell phone data as it relates to probable cause. I'm sure there is some precedent that permits this kind of evidentiary process, but I was a little surprised. Typically, a search warrant is required to enter someone's home and that search warrant requires probable cause for it to be issued. In this case, can the Fed's evidentiary process start with Google data to reduce the scope of perpetrators or do the Feds have to first find probable cause before they can get Google data? Or is our location information not treated the same as our home?
I don't know the proper terminology but the warrant is for a "net" of pings from cell phone towers and the location service on phones. Basically, as I understand it the information obtained is the phones that were in the area at the time. The data is phone number of device in the area. The probable cause is the crime committed in area at approximate time. I think privacy issues are by passed because it is "meta" data not personal info (other than phone number)

Or is our location information not treated the same as our home? In general yes, I believe so

can the Fed's evidentiary process start with Google data to reduce the scope of perpetrators ? Apparently so. I think this was one of their first steps
I wish the OP's title was, "Poachers Banned From Hunting." Or more sarcastically, "Poachers Will Keep Poaching Because They Don't Care About Your Hunting Laws."
I don't know the proper terminology but the warrant is for a "net" of pings from cell phone towers and the location service on phones. Basically, as I understand it the information obtained is the phones that were in the area at the time. The data is phone number of device in the area. The probable cause is the crime committed in area at approximate time. I think privacy issues are by passed because it is "meta" data not personal info (other than phone number)

Or is our location information not treated the same as our home? In general yes, I believe so

can the Fed's evidentiary process start with Google data to reduce the scope of perpetrators ? Apparently so. I think this was one of their first steps
I did a little googling and it sounds like a lot of this is up in the air. Some states have instituted statutes against using cell data for reverse searches, Montana being one. Idaho however doesn't. Given that this was a federal crime, I doubt the state statutes apply anyway.

Interesting to see where the lines of big data and things like hunting (or in this case poaching) come in to play.
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I wish the OP's title was, "Poachers Banned From Hunting." Or more sarcastically, "Poachers Will Keep Poaching Because They Don't Care About Your Hunting Laws."
This is such a non sequitir. Drivers licenses are revoked for traffic offenses. Convicted felons can’t have firearms or vote. Sex offenders can’t be near schools.

There are certainly folks in the world who will still continue to poach after their hunting/fishing privileges are revoked. However, this is the escalator that bumps the offense(s) into felony class violations.
Who goes after a bear, let alone a grizzly with a frickin' Ruger57? These losers are lucky the bear didn't tear into them before dying, which regrettably probably took a while.
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