BCat, nothing on political...all gun ownership problems must have finished.


New member
Dec 13, 2000
Sydney Australia

Has the Moose attracted a lot of placid people that are fodder for the antis.

Perhaps this site can be thought of as diversionary tactics.

We will con them into thinking it is an easy victory for them.

Don't forget our gun laws were inroduced by our version of the Republican party.



Lots of massacres followed by the big massacre and media pressure and full support from our version of the democrats who were in opposition.

I am just glad that I have all my 375 cases and Hornady bullets.

Good talking to ya this morning Mike!!! Ya didnt even wake me up this time!!hehehe I think we'll get more political intrest stirred after everybody gets to the board. I know Calif Hunter is kinda radical like I am about gun ownership and I think we can get alot of these other guys stirred if we keep on em. Definately cant get our guard down just because Bush won the presidency!!! Today will tell whether that is even going to happen when the electors vote!!! It aint a done deal yet!!!! It would only take one BIG massacre to get people off their arses, but by then it may be too late!! If you would Mike, tell the story over on how it all came down, DOWN UNDER and what some of the things were that you can see happening here that happened there!! I have heard it but some of these guys havent and it would be very informative and MAYBE motivational!!! bcat

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes

Where should the story go.

The political forum is way down the bottom of the page..........
and a real grave yard. No wonder the antis get a real boost of hormones when they see some of these boards.

If you were anti you could use some of these boards as a motivational exercise for your troops.


Mike the story should go under fireside a place for friends!!! Everybody goes there to shoot the Bull so to speak!!! Might get em motivated over there!bcat

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes
I don't care for the politics thing, lets talk about dogs, lions, hunting, shooting or what ever. Save the politics for TV and newspapers bud.
hey blue,
I hate talkin' polotics myself, triggers my "GAG" reflex...lol....but the simple fact is ...."If ya ain't part of the solution....You're part of the problem!"...The anti's are on us like ugly on Janet Reno we have to discuss it and ban together and be INFORMED or we're gonna find ourselves up a creekwithout a paddle.I have a couple links to sights that name companies and prominent individuals that support the anti's. I'll see if I can't find it and post it on here a little later.


preserve our legacy...take a youngster hunting
Bluetic and Doggone!!! Welcome to the forum!!!! Yes Bluetic this post needs to be in the political section but when it was made, there wasnt much going on in the political section! We now have a hot political section going thanks to Mike 375 and Chainsaw and Saint Gunner, and a few others. I dont like having to hash out gun law politics, or I should say we shouldnt have to but the ANTIS arent going to stop until we win and then they will keep going after that. We do have a very serious situation here that will affect all gun owners and hound hunters too, so we kinda have to stay on top of it. We'll talk hounds and hunting over here, but if someone has some ANTI FIGHTING TO DO, it'll be welcome here too! Good to see ya both here and look forward to seeing alot of ya. bcat

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes

[This message has been edited by bcat (edited 01-13-2001).]
Yeah I love to talk dogs, the election is over so I see no real need to start shaking in my boots over the Anti Gun people. It is going to be a new playing field for the next 4 years thank goodness.

I have seen this mike 375 posts in other places and that is ALL he talks about it seems and the 375 caliber. I feel his scope on hunting is narrow minded is all.

I welcome the thought of being able to discuss dogs and hunting, ALL kinds of it bcat. So enough said I guess.
Bluetic sorry I mispelled your name in the last post/. I went and corrected it after i read it again! I too get tired of talking politics but I know we have to keep our eyes open even with Bush in office! So lets talk hounds. WHat do you run for hounds and what do you hunt? Tell us some stories. Mine are palstered all over the forums so I think someone else should post a few pics and stories! Good to have ya here>bcat

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes
Well now bcat I have 7 dogs, dog poor don't ya know it. I have a bluetick female, a redbone male, these are papered dogs. I also have a walker 1/2breed, 1 plott and black & tan mix. I have breed the bluetick female to a big hound, which is 1/2 plott and 1/4 redbone, along with 1/4 Russian Wolf hound. I am hoping to get some big hounds, with plenty of speed, good nose and a strong fighting instinct. I guess time will tell. One black lab, very good duck dog. One medium size beagle, I team him up with my buddies two dogs for rabbit hunting.
Bluetic-I am down to eight dogs myself not counting the cow dogs! I have a registered walker Male, two redbone males unregistered, two black and tan unregistered one female one male, One Black and tan, bluetic cross BUBBA, One black and tan Redbone cross male puppy, and a female bluetic walker cross. All are experianced dogs except the puppy, and he got in on his first coon while Thumper was here. Went bobcat hunting topday for a couple hours and the wind was blowing so we went to the house. We dont have many bobcats or coons around here so when we do get to chase one it is alot of fun! bcat

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes
bcat I have a real hard time in finding somebody to look after the dogs, that is when I am hunting somewhere else. I do hunt coon, bobcat, take some of the dogs down south to relatives to give them a taste or other critters (I say no more on the subject matter) I would love to be able to put them on some real mountain lion in the future. Know that takes a lot of time and you just can't make a dog in a trip or two. I almost moved to Cheyene once, that would have been great for lion hunting on the weekends I guess. Say, you ever given any thought to crossing a hound with a 1/2 pit bull? Somebody mentioned that to me once, but I was a little scared of the outcome.
BLuetic-Never heard of crossing a hound with a pit bull, but it might be interesting cross! I have seen em crossed with airdales, for bear dogs tho! Really it doesnt take much to get them switched over from coon and bobcat dogs to lion dogs! When I started out, I got a black and tan female and four pups. Then I got a year old redbone to run with her till the pups got old enuff to go. None had ever smelled a lion track!!!!! Everyone told me I wouldnt catch nothing for a winter or two while I trained them! WRONG!!!! While everyone was laughing I caught four lions the first winter and killed one of them. I think if you listen to most lion hunters they will try to BS ya into thinking ya cant do it without them!!!! All ya got to do is know where to find the tracks and the dogs will do the rest. I only lost track of the first track we ran because of the wind, or we woulda had that one. the second one I turned out on we treed!!!! Dont let em fool ya, a good coon dog will tree a lion like second nature! Come out anytime from Nov 1 to Jan 31, and if ya want someone to go with if I dont have a client at the time we'll go! We are contemplating a new deal in another state where the lions are real thick, and if that works out we'll be busy as heck. You would be welcome to come out and do it for a couple weeks if ya wanted to.bcat

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes

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