"Bare" Hunting Adventures with Moosie....

Just an FYI, I had Guessed the bear to be a Sow, but was Mistaken. It was Actually a Boar. I think I had several Posts thinking it was and Stated so... OOPS

Anyways, Oak, I haven't heard Hide nor hair of the Greek... But I posted a Picture at Yoops just to rub it in

Bwanna, did you mean BEER ? or my wife and a BEAR. I thought It was only me that made posts I didn't understand ;)

ARCAT, If you've seen my House Pictures you know I have a Full body Bear and My Limited Space can't sustain another one... That beng said I'm gonig to the Taxidermist tonight :D

Thanx NUT !!
great looking bear moosie! Looks like persistance and dedication paid off. I loved the story for sure...I very rarely read long winded posts...but I am glad I read this one. I have never laughed so hard. Great pictures as well..
As usual, Moosie forgets some of the best parts of the story....

After we decided not to pack the bear out the first night, we hiked back to the baitsite to grab the Samsonite and change the film on the trail cam. Then down the hill to the boat crossing.

This time, I got in front, and led us up to the top of the eddy, and then crossed into the main tongue and on over to the far side eddy. Piece of cake with a competent Captain. We decided to leave the boat by the river, and Moosie headed back up the hill to brag to the Gals...

We got back to the Moosie Palace, and Moosie had to tell Mrs. Moosie that they were having a slumber party, and I was staying over...

Mrs. Moosie, as the gracious hostess, made the couch in the middle of the trailer out into a bed, found some sheets and a pillow. I was set... except for the fact that Moosie was wired!! :mad:

He kept talking and talking and talking... I kept hinting about how late it was... about how nice it is to sleep in the mountains... about how easy it will be to pack out the bear after a night's sleep.... :rolleyes: And he kept talking...

Finally, after I rolled over and pretended to sleep, he then went up front to Mrs. Moosie... And began talking...and talking...and talking :rolleyes:

I managed to sleep for about 2 hours before the first "emergency" as one of the little Moose-gang members woke up crying... and then a bit later one fell out of bed... and then another one woke up crying (I think that one was Moosie)... and then Mrs. Moosie fell into a wall... and then more talking....

Finally about 5:30, I suggested maybe we should go get the bear, as sleep was not happening in that trailer...

So we loaded up, and headed back toward the Granola girls...
YOU Wait Fugger.. I'm leaving the Office, But I have a Rubut to your "LIES", I'll be on later tonight ;) HEHE
With all of the stuff you guy's packed in for this bear to eat, that crap looks like power bar with a bite out of it...
Feeling a little hungry Oscar!! ;) :D :D :D
Who is the granola eater now... :eek: :D
Good Lookin Bear, Moosie..
And great story with 'gunner doing the commentary. You guys are a hoot....
Sounds and looks like a great time. That is what it is all about!!!
So Back to the Story....

When we decided not to hike the Monster of a Bear out I shot out from under him... :rolleyes: .... We head back to the Boat. Gunner takes the Lead and Decides he wants the Front this time. Not Wylee and Me have Boated across this raging River at least 10 times with no Problem.. Gunners been across 1/2 dozen or so times himself...

Now, I don't describe things like Gunner but Picture me in the Back, Gunner in the Front, and the River coming at us from our right. So What does Gunner do ? He paddles on the Right hand side. I'm Paddleing on the Left and fighting 'Gunner the whole time and the Current. The first Big Wave Comes Crashing over the Front as he Dig's UPSTREAM into the River pushing us Ever so fast downstream...

We get over to the Other side and 'Gunner makes a Comment about my rowing. I ask what he was thinking and He said he was Rowing against the Current. I politly told (corrected) him that he was Rowing on the wrong side and He thinks about it and Then says he was Rowing (On the Upside) INTO the River pulling the Boat upstream....

Anyone that has any water ability knows that to fight the River you paddle on the Oposite side... That being said, I'll take the blame because Gunner cries easy ;)

Knowing we had to phone Wylee we went back to the casa' and told Mrs Moosie I was letting Gunner stay. She said that dogs usually sleep outside but since it was a bit cold and He was wet from the Paddleing excersize he was doing she said he could sleep on the Couch. We finally get through to Wylee and Let him know and Head back.

The Wife lays out a Nice sheet and Blanket. And I give up one of my Pillows... Gunner having video taped some of the Bear hunt, I figured I'd watch the Video Clip. He jsut wanted to nap.... Something about a 10k Race earlier that day and BLAH BLAH BLAH... excuses, Hell, 10k is only 6.2 miles, he should have quit his Bitchin right ?

ANyways, I have the same Illness Greenhorn has. The night before a Big hunt I can't sleep. Heck Sometimes Greeny will be online or Call me at Midnight just to chit chat.. I have the Same thing after shooting something, To HAppy to sleep.

So I watch the Video and talk to Gunner, It's only like 11PM or so. Hell, Most nights we're up till 1AM and thats on a Work night... So After Seeing Gunner can't stay up I go to Bed and talk with Mr's Moosie. Although She Hates talking about hunting, She Enjoys it when I'm Excited. We talk for awhile jsut low enough that Gunner has to Strain to catch every other word or two. It was Pretty obvious with him Cupping his Hand on his Ear. Some one might mistake that for Covering his Ears but I knew the truth ....

Then, The night Kind of Happened like Gunner said. Little Parker Cried and Me and the Mrs jumped out of the bed to take care of him because We were worried Gunner wouldn't get his Rest. And he's a Craby butt if he doesn't get his Beauty sleep.

So With the batteries going dead on the trailer, There weas something wrong with the HEater. Every time it cicked on, About every 20 mins I'd have to Jump up and Check things out. I tried Hooking it up to the Truck and Running it that way for an Hour but didn't work well either. So I didn't sleep well from 2:30 till about 5:30.

I sat on the Table at 5:30 Looking at gunner... He tried to pretend I wasn't there then Pretended he wanted to get up. I knew Staring at him while he was Sleeping would work :D

Unfortunately for Gunner, his Granola Dykes were sleeping in that morning.
Caribou Gear

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