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Bad Hunting Partners


New member
Feb 15, 2020
Without going into every last detail... over the last few months, Ive had to let go of my long time hunting partner. No, not as in, "he died," I've simply chosen not to hunt with him any longer. In 8 years we had gone on 17 hunts and were successful 16 times. I live in Nevada and have regularly hunted deer, elk and antelope for many years.

This past hunting season, he drew a Nevada bull elk tag. We hunted for 4 days and ended up getting a decent 6 point bull. Two weeks later we went to Idaho. This hunt was arranged by me. It was on 25,000 acres of private property which we had approval to hunt on. I actually kept track of our walking distance in Idaho and learned that in 4 days, we had walked 51 miles.

Now comes the interesting part: Over the years, I started noticing him being not only a tight-ass with his money, but generosity had completely left him and he became inconsiderate of anyone but himself. On the 800 mile trip to Northern Nevada and back, he refused to pay for fuel. I parked at the pumps and expected him to get out since it was his turn. He sat there on his phone as if he had no idea where we were or what we were doing. In Idaho, the pack out (backpacks only) to my pickup was 7.94 miles, which took us a day and 1/2. He then wanted to end the trip short so he could, "relax prior to going back to work!" We had planned to stay till November 1 but left on October 30. He offered me NO meat from his elk and said the scraps which usually go to my three dogs, would be going to someone else. When I strongly questioned him about this he called me an asshole.

Two weeks after returning home, I went back to Idaho by myself... I had some things to prove to ME. Im certainly not afraid to travel alone, camp alone or hunt alone... although my wife was a little nervous about my decision. On day two I killed an elk and spent the next two days getting it out. I was thrilled to death, yet heartbroken at the same time. I'm still a little sad to be honest, but if and when I'm ever mistreated by someone like this I simply move on.

My reason for posting this story is to gain some closure on things.... I am sincerely interested in knowing whether those of you reading this have had a similar experience.. if so, could you please share.

Much love,

DJH Reno, Nv
I’m sorry, that really stinks. But you should enjoy your hunting trips not be ticked the whole time about your hunting partner. Your making a good decision though.
When you spend years hunting with someone you see the good bad and ugly. There are people I don’t hunt with anymore but we’re on good terms. Try to remember the good times. Everyone has flaws and sometimes people change in ways that make them not so great hunting partners anymore. Or you change and it’s no longer a good match. Such is life. Put up some of your favorite photos of you and your buddy in the field to remember the good times. Think of nice things you can say to him and then tell him. You may find a new hunting buddy and he’ll have flaws too, but maybe flaws you can live with
Sounds like your buddy has some issues going on. A women would probably reach out and find out what’s wrong. But screw that, find a new hunting partner that leaves his feelings at home.

You don’t kill elk sitting around and talking about stuff!

Good luck in 2020!
For example I am king of the death march. Many people have been turned off when I hunted too hard, too long, too many miles hiked. I don’t mean to torture people, I just get overly ambitious. I’ve hunted with one person ever who likes to walk that much, and he’s finally slowed down some at age 66.

Sometimes you can clear things up with a frank conversation. Like how you’re going to split gas. May seem obvious to you but not the other guy. If you’re secretly resentful about something he does he might not know unless you tell him outright.
Sorry, that's too bad. I don't have alot of hunting partners and those I have live in other states (though my sons are starting to step into that role a bit). If I lost one like this, it would not only make me sad because of the friendship, but also because I like hunting with other people, but don't get to do it very often.
Hunting solo is difficult and rewarding. Hunting w a dikfor is harder and less rewarding. Good on you, DJH, for going back solo. One plus of your situation is that future hunting partners have a low bar to be better than your hunting ex.
Do you think the friend is having money trouble and is just too embarrassed to admit it?
I’ve got friends who I’ve hunted with in past years, but go on guided hunts. I’m not able to spend the money they can. I’m happy for them, but it keeps us from going on trips.
I had a hunting partner/friend that stabbed me in the back years back, cut him loose. It sucked, but had to be done. Sharing your hunt with friends/family you enjoy being around and making memories is more important than the kill. Sounds like you made the correct choice. good luck finding another partner.
Sucks man, seems to be built into many aussie hunters. Never taken a guy out over a period of time that hasn't eventually back doored me. Shame because I enjoy helping people out and have to this day never asked for anything in return or ever shot an animal on another hunters place.
Do you think the friend is having money trouble and is just too embarrassed to admit it?
I’ve got friends who I’ve hunted with in past years, but go on guided hunts. I’m not able to spend the money they can. I’m happy for them, but it keeps us from going on trips.

The answer to your question is a big fat NO.... not only does he have a great state job, he owns three homes which, in total, have over a million dollars equity, plus he got a rather large inheritance about 6 years ago. He lives in an 8,000 sq ft house if that tells you anything...

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