Bad day on the home front


Well-known member
Sep 27, 2009
South Dakota
The day started out good for me, I'm fishing in northern Mn. And then about 8:30 this morn I got a call from my wife and she says our house was broke into rand. 7 this am. She was in the bedroom and heard a noise in one of the other rooms and went out to see what was going on. In the bedroom next to hers there were two guys rummaging thru the room. She said what are you doing, get out of here. One of the guys told her to get back in the bedroom that he had a gun and would shoot her. Needless to say she went back in the room and called911. I guess they got scared then and left. They took her purse with billfold,keys and cell phone and some jewelry. It wasn't long and there were a bunch of cops all over the house. A short time later a lady called her and said she had found her purse about a block away with billfold and some of the credit cards. Cash was gone along with the keys an cell phone. When she called me she was a wreck. I told her I would come home, but she said not to because she was going to her class reunion out of town. I called a locksmith and they rekeyed the locks. ( $84 cheap) . Th is a small bit of humor to this story. My wife uses a Cpap and when she came out of her Bedroom she still had her mask on, probably scared the crap out of them. In a situation like it makes you wonder what might have happened if I would have been home. Hopefully I'd have blown them away, but you never know. Anyway I think she has calmed down a little, but I'm sure she won't feel safe for some time. Thanks for listening, Brian
Glad your wife made it out of the situation ok, and all that was lost is material things. Hopefully she recoups quickly, and they catch the sob's.
Glad she was unharmed and I hope somebody puts some ventilation holes in the thieves.
Thank God she is fine. The what if's are endless... Very glad to hear she walked away with only mental injury that will hopefully heal over time. It violates the internal safety mechanism.
Those arseholes should be kissing the ground that would otherwise be six feet above them!

Glad she is safe.
Brian - I am very glad that she is OK. It could have been a very bad outcome.

One time when we were gone, our house was broke into and vandalized when he could find nothing of value. Our neighbors saw what was going on and called the police. The criminal was caught as he tried to run out the back door.

I have never felt as violated as I did after that. I am sure I would have killed the guy, had I been at the house when it happened. Odds are, he would not have tried it had we been home.

I am sorry to hear this, as I know your wife is not going to be as comfortable as she once was. It was very unsettling for us, even though we were moving into a new house the following week. It just puts you on edge and makes you wonder if the comfort and safety you felt in the past was out of ignorance and being too trusting. Eventually, it became less about having my domain violated, and I realized I was more pissed off that my way of life where I thought I could trust everyone was changing. I didn't like that notion and to this day, I am still pissed about it.

Now, every time I read about someone having thugs break into their house, my blood pressure rises. I know they are going to have the same feeling I had.

I hope life gets back to some sense of normalcy. I hope they catch the pukes who did it. The guy who broke into our house had a long list of similar crimes, bouncing from state to state, never being held accountable for his actions. I suspect these guys are going to fall into some similar category, and who should be made to pay not only for the criminal act, but the violation of your family's loss of peace and comfort that should be allowed to anyone in their own home.
Randy hit it on the head about feeling so violated. Gives you a sick feeling.

Brain, hope the Mrs is does okay through this.
Glad she is okay. Buy her a handgun and teach her how to use it. It will do wonders for the recovery process for her. My wife was a wreck for two years after a burglary when I was out of town and they were gone before she came in. I can only imagine how your wife must feel.
That is crazy stuff. A few years back I was working late (1am) as we were getting to go on vacation so I needed to wrap up some open items. I was on the phone with my wife telling her I'd be another couple of hours when she let out the most blood curdling scream ever and said "There's a man in the window".

For some reason she got a weird feeling and yanked up the blinds and there was a guy with his face pressed right against the bottom of the window (the blinds were angled up) trying to look up through the blinds.

Fortunately my in-laws were home with her... it creeped us out for a long time.
Glad everything went OK. Could have been much worse. One thing to have 4-legged critters around the house, 2 legged ones are much worse.

My wife has been shooting the Mossy 500 I put together for her. It would be a huge mistake for someone to come dinking around the house with that in her hands. The Streamlight TLR-1 I put on there is incredible! It lights up the meadow 80 yards out from the house, like a small spotlight. The little rail I got from Brownells and the light seem like they were made just for the gun. I say to heck with pistols, that is what ya need.
Glad everything turned out ok. Sounds like they knew the man of the house was gone. Try not to put any trip plan details on any social media sites or chat rooms like this. If the crooks figure out where you live it makes your home a prime target. My wife shoots a ruger LCR with a laser grip. Even if she couldn't hit them the laser should scare the crap outta them.
Thanks a lot everyone for your thoughts and comments, it means a lot. I have talked to her before about learning to shoot but she didn't seem very interested. Maybe this will get the ball rolling. Thanks again, brian

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