Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Bad day for this fella

.....Eight miles into the Hobacks, and got his meat and head stolen??? That is wild!! Anyone familiar with that area will attest to it's ruggedness - if there are criminals out there robbing deer camps, obviously they're most likely armed, too. What kind of wild west madness is going on, lately

Someone get Matt Dillon and Josh Randal - there's work to do.
My thoughts is it was another hunter with no morals who came across his kill site/camp site and decided that guys dead buck was easier to take , then hunting for one of his own. I can’t imagine someone just randomly coming back in there to look around for stuff to steal. Just my opinion
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Is it possible a bear pulled so hard on the ropes that he pulled the knots loose? Or maybe the hunter didn't really tie everything up like he said he did. Either way, sucks to lose something you waited so long for
My thoughts is it was another hunter with no morals who came across his kill site/camp site and decided that guys dead buck was easier to take that hunting for one of his own. I can’t imagine someone just randomly coming back in there to look around for stuff to steal. Just my opinion
Absolutely plausible
I can't imagine someone steeling mule deer meat 8 miles in. That is a head scratcher.
The evidence is sketchy, before they hang someone for this crime, they should go do a serious search of the area. I would bet they find something. I have seen more than 1 horse that can untie a knot. No problem for a bear assuming it is a knot that you can untie easily yourself. I would be looking for that head if it was mine.
I had something kind of similar happen. I had located a primo spring the hunting season before that a bunch of large high country mule deer were using. I hiked in and setup a game cam on this spring and hiked out with thoughts of giant buck photos. When I hiked back in to get the camera it was gone. No sign of it whatsoever. I assumed it had been stole, cussed the state of the world and people and hiked back out. Several years later I was hunting by that spot and thought I better go check that spring for sign. It was very dry that year. The spring had dried from a large pool to a small seep. Laying in the mud was the camera. The camera was shot from years of laying in the mud and water but the sd card was still good.

When I popped that sd card in the computer. I went to the last 10 photos for the evidence. Oh there’s a bear, oh he is really close, oh splash - muddy water. Just sayin…it’s pretty amazing what they can do
I just can't imagine automatically thinking that another hunter stole my deer, meat and shirt, but left expensive gear. My money is on a bear(s) or other critters.

I know a few sheep hunters that have lost heads and capes that were hauled off from camp by either bears or wolverines.

I've had wolverines steal meat from me 2x. The first time he packed off a 20lb game bag full of sheep front shoulders. I caught him in the act 100 yards from my tent. He ripped the bag open and took off with one shoulder. The second time one was eating as much as he could out of a bag he'd found.

I've had bears in camp that packed stuff off a long ways. Weird stuff. One was an aluminum funnel we used for filling a lantern. It was 200 yards from camp. Found other plastic stuff a long ways from camp as well. You could tell a bear got into the tent by the number of exit doors he made on the way out. :D