Caribou Gear Tarp

Backpack Food Question....

the lipton meals in a bag are lite, loaded with cards

He's thinking about the down time, Something to keep us busy. Don't give him a hard time ;)

No on the Oatmeal... Not jsut no, But Freak no !! Homey don't eat Oatmeal.

Thanx for the Suggestions. I'm going to do the Tortilla shell/peanut butter/honey combo. I used that on the last trip, and used in in AK. That's been a great meal. I pre make them and vaccumm seal them. Quick, easy, and oz for oz pack some good energy.

When it comes to hunting andbackpacking I usually don't get that hungry. It's good to eat something but Usually at end of day I'd rather sleep then eat. Durring the day I'm so busy hunting/glassing that I don't think about it. I also plan to leave a few pounds around the Belly so I don't have to worry about eating ;)
There is a ton of input, but here is my two cents. I backpack for bigbucks and if anyone knows me, they know how I am. I got a job to do when I get there. I have to get up early and walk my ass off every day. Where I hunt bucks it is 11 miles from the truck to the spot and I don't care. I have everything I need and I plan for a Friday to the following Sunday (Min 9 days). I'm not there for fancy food but I know how important it is to be healthy and I promise you, you WILL lose your mental edge if you start to break down. If you are feeling tired and wore down after a couple of days of hunting.... NUTRITION!!!! I eat the same thing every day. I can change it when I get home. I'm not there for something that tastes great.
I do have a golden rule though. I won't take it if I don't get 100 calories per ounce of weight; ie. A food product that weighs 2 ounces better have 200 calories
2 packs of oatmeal
All day long
5 assorted cliff bars (If I get to my tent at the end of the day and I have some left I force myself to eat them.... They contain what you need to survive. Snickers is a freakin candy bar. Calories aren't the only important thing.
Mountain house
only 3 I like, Spaghetti, Lasagna, or Chicken and Rice(best for you)
and I eat a ton of vitamins.
Coffee Singles whenever I want
I take a hydrocodone and a Zanex when I go to bed. I sleep like a baby all night and I don't feel any pain. The wind, rain, or bigfoot doesn't wake me up. You have to sleep well. I do. Say what you want but I know exactly what works for me. 10 days from the day I start I can still climb, glass, and hunt all day. I sometimes see guys on the first two days. NEVER after that. It took me years to figure this out. Big muley's are the poor mans bighorn sheep. Now I have a sheep tag and I will pack my food the same way.