Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Baby Leave

WH's OutdoorsChick

New member
Nov 14, 2003
Rochester, Washington
I was just wondering if you fathers stayed home with MOM and Baby for a while. If so how much leave did you take????? I guess Washington has a new law that says Men can stay home for 3 months now :eek:

Anyhow I want WH to stay home with me as long as possible but we have not decided on how long he will actually stay home... So what do you guys think???
I was in the Army when my oldest was born. I saved up 60 days of leave thinking I would spend two months with my new bundle of joy and help my wife adjust. She was born on Jan. 29th and I spent two days with them and decided to sign back into my unit. I needed to get back to work in order to get some rest.

I am telling you between an unhappy newborn with colic and a wife with postpartum depression it was very difficult to cope. Before you bash let me just say that women don't understand what it is like from the men's side. I have always loved and cherished my children and my wife but to spend that kind of time right after they are born is not always healthy for anyone involved.

Just my own opinion and experience. I could not be a stay at home dad either as I would be a raving lunatic after 3 days.

In addition I think the Washington law that allows dad's to stay home is for unpaid time off only. I don't know about your household but in mine 3 months of no paycheck isn't a real popular idea.

staying home as apposed to what?whats the story here need alittle more info to try to give some good advice. :)
hmm as opposed to going back to work.....

I do think that the law is unpaid.... I think that WH can use his sick leave and he has like 6 months sick leave. My mom will be staying with us right after the baby is born for like a week. I am hoping that will help us out also...

P.S. Bad Nemont Bad Nemont.... Just Kidding..... :D
hmmmmm Last I heard you were thinking 3 weeks..... If Rob could afford it he would have taken more then a week cause it was to hard on Jennifer...... I would like it as easy as possible....

BTW ppl WH responded and then he deleted his post.... He was saying that he was thinking of taking one week off...
I would have to say it depends on the individual. If he can stand all the stress of an unhappy newborn non stop like that for several weeks, I'd say you would be a better man than I could ever be.
Whats cool is I can See WH's post .. then the Wife came out and Called his Bluff then He winced like a Little Beotch and Deleted his post... HAHA. She has you by the Nads now boy !!!!

I didn't take any time of work. But I do get up every night. we might be spoiling our kid but it sleeps better when We hold it. So...... I hold it and Sleep sitting on the couch. Usually between 2/3rd feeding like from 1:00-3:00 AM.

Her mom and my mom were there the first 2 weeks. Having the Dad at home just get's in the way I think. Pluss, Thats what Women are for... :D :D
That makes alot of sence Moosie, I'll have to keep that in mind when Quiet and I decide to have one of our own.....................if I can handle it. LMAO
If wh wants to put up with 2 whinning screaming people that want attention then he should take off LMAO poor freaking guy he will get his nuts chopped off the next day....

Taken one day off is cool, go to the hospitol see the kid and women then hit the bar or go hunting. I mean seriously what more can you do? do you really want too sit there and look at each other all day?

When employers start paying the guys for baby leave, thats when its time to move to another country, its not only gay and PC its a wasted of money and time.
besides I would love to see a guy sit at home for 1-3 weeks on baby leave, he would be moved out with in the first 2 days( or at least packing).

If you want him to stay with you as long as possible , you have an attention problem. unless your sick or planning on haveing sex afterwords theres no need for him to stay home....

Oh on the sex part WH your so not going to get some for a long freaking time wether you stay at home or not. so enjoy the free life while you can and go to work......

Man I am loving this.....

Her mom and my mom were there the first 2 weeks. Having the Dad at home just get's in the way I think. Pluss, Thats what Women are for...


My youngest daughter did let me hold her for 6 months.


So...... I hold it and Sleep sitting on the couch
if you were just holding "it" you wouldn't have so many kids running around ;)

I like Delw and Nemont's approach WH....let's see....new baby crying, hormonal new mother, mother-in-law out visiting.....work or stay home....work or stay home....hmmmm...can anyone say OVERTIME ???

Actually did a lot like Moosie- ran the night shift quite often but let mom and the girls "bond" during the day while I relaxed at work....
It mostly depends on how supportive the man is. From the sounds of things neither WH (nor most of the other guys around here :rolleyes: ) seem to be the supportive type. Let that type go back to work when he wants. When he bitches about having to get up in the middle of the night AND work during the day though, tell him

A) he had the opportunity to take a few days off now didn't he.
B) You are working all day with the kid and getting up in the middle of the night yourself.

Do however make sure you have someone around who is willing to take the baby off your hands for an hour or two here and there the first two weeks. What you need to keep in mind is that you will be recovering from some serious trauma to your body. You need to recover a bit and staying up 24/7 isn't going to get that done. No matter what he says, he needs to get up in the middle of the night a few times too. If he doesn't, pop him in the head. The baby didn't just get there on it's own. :rolleyes:
If he doesn't, pop him in the head. The baby didn't just get there on it's own.

When she decides to get up at night and Work durringthe Day you should help her. Until that, Let her do what she's there for and Make sure a Sandwhich is ready for you when you get home !!!!

How many men does it take to open a beer ??@??@

NONE, it should be open when "SHE" brings it to you...................
I guess enough opinions have been given that I should be free to give mine now. ;)

As far as being supportive, I feel like my share of the support is going to be mostly in the form of a paycheck. These paychecks are given to me by my employer not to sit at home and watch Jerry Springer, but to go to work every day and do a job. Just because some law says my employer has to let me take a couple of months off doesn't mean I'm going to do it. Besides I'll be home 14 out of every 24 hours Monday thru Friday, and all of Saturday and Sunday (unless I'm hunting :D)
After each of our three kids were born, I took two weeks off from work which equated to about 3 full weeks because of 12 hour shifts. I also changed the diapers and burped the kids after being fed for the first week while the wife was down. We don't have any family really close so it was up to me to help my wife out as best I could.
I spent a lifetime running businesses and if companies had to pay everyone that wanted to take six months off for every kid we would be a bankrupt nation. Better check on the law because the federal leave act will not force employers to pay for the time off. If you try to call it sick leave you probably won't have a job to go back to. The kid will work out just fine and it doesn't need two people to change it's stinky diapers.
Lady Nutcracker stayed in the hospital for 3 days after our girls were born..3 days of bed rest,and the nurses took care of them while she rested hump After they came home though,, I went to work everyday, and Lady Nutcracker was up everyday making my coffee, and my lunch :D then kicking my butt out the door :cool: She need time for girl talk hump with her daughters hump

Mojave said:
It mostly depends on how supportive the man is. From the sounds of things neither WH (nor most of the other guys around here :rolleyes: ) seem to be the supportive type. Let that type go back to work when he wants. When he bitches about having to get up in the middle of the night AND work during the day though, tell him

A) he had the opportunity to take a few days off now didn't he.
B) You are working all day with the kid and getting up in the middle of the night yourself.

Do however make sure you have someone around who is willing to take the baby off your hands for an hour or two here and there the first two weeks. What you need to keep in mind is that you will be recovering from some serious trauma to your body. You need to recover a bit and staying up 24/7 isn't going to get that done. No matter what he says, he needs to get up in the middle of the night a few times too. If he doesn't, pop him in the head. The baby didn't just get there on it's own. :rolleyes:

You right Mojave I am the unsupportive type. I just built a business and worked my ass off so my wife could stay at home and raise our kids. It was important to me that my children not be put in daycare and that their mother have the time and energy to be there for them. I have been the sole income in our household for 18 years.

You right I am unsupportive. Like I said in my original post FEMALES DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT IT IS LIKE TO BE A GUY IN THE MIDDLE OF NEW BABY AND NEW MOM. I have been there and done that three times. I put in night shifts, rocked the baby, arrange for my wife to have a girls night out at least once a week. :(


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