AZ'S Dyke anti hunter Gov.


Dec 10, 2000
Peoria ,Az
is really making a mokery out of the AZG&F dept. over this lion issue in sabino canyon.

Someone pissed in her boxer shorts cause from what I have read over the last few days she is after the AZ game and fish dept. bad.
I am guessing its cause she cant touch some of the monies that the game and fish dept has, that she wants so badly.( taht was 6-7 months ago)
While our AZG&F dept has a few little problems they are by no way shape and form as bad as she says. I know alot of these guys personally and not only are they stand up guys but they know there shit.

What do you do when a Govenor wants run things instead of letting trained professionals run things. RECALL????? yeah that sounds good.

Traps set in Sabino Canyon to remove lions

Saguaro National Park

A mountain lion is shown in this 2002 photo taken by an infrared-triggered camera set up in the Tucson Mountains.

Associated Press
Mar. 23, 2004 02:53 PM

A tracker set out leghold traps at dawn Tuesday in Tucson's Sabino Canyon hoping to catch mountain lions that state wildlife officials consider threatening - despite lacking a helicopter to airlift any trapped and tranquilized animals out.

The tracker, from a federal wildlife agency, was using dogs to try to find as many as three or four mountain lions, also known as cougars, believed to be in the canyon, which has been closed to the public since March 10.

The Arizona Game and Fish Department plans to track, tranquilize and airlift the large cats by helicopter to a wildlife rehab center in Scottsdale.

But as of Tuesday, Gov. Janet Napolitano said the agency had made no arrangements with the Arizona National Guard for use of a helicopter.

"You don't just snap a finger and send a Blackhawk into a wilderness area to pick up a lion," the governor said in Phoenix. She also cited concerns over costs, who will pay for the helicopter and other unanswered questions.

"One would have hoped that this would have been worked out over the past few days before they sent in trackers," said Napolitano, who flayed both the wildlife agency and the Game and Fish Commission that oversees it for their handling of the issue.

"They didn't get public input. They didn't really seek out the experts that are available in Arizona. They didn't evaluate other options. They didn't communicate with the public when they had the opportunity to," she said.

"In my view, Game and Fish has handled this about as poorly as a public policy issue and a public safety issue can be handled."

Napolitano denied she was micromanaging the lion issue but said the commission should be. "They ought to be the ones that have figured all of this out but they haven't but they're still proceeding to track," she said.

Napolitano said she wants to work with both the commission and department to "protect the lions and if there is a public safety issue - and believe me, I just don't see it - to deal with that." But she said Game and Fish has not been easy to work with.

Napolitano's press secretary, Jeanine L'Ecuyer, said Game and Fish had not formally requested a National Guard helicopter. The governor would have to issue an emergency declaration for such use after being convinced there is a public safety threat.

Game and Fish spokesman Bob Miles said, however, the agency was working with the governor's office on use of the helicopter.

On Monday, Game and Fish regional director Gerry Perry said a National Guard helicopter flew over the canyon after his department asked "for some assistance and advice."

If paperwork delays involving the Guard are not cleared by Wednesday, the agency will use a private helicopter contractor, he said.

The governor said she doesn't believe Game and Fish has established that the lions are engaged in stalking behavior.

Miles said the Game and Fish Department believes otherwise.

"There is a public safety threat," he said.


On the Net:
I was down in Tucson last week when this was becoming a big issue. At the time, the G&F had been planning to go in and kill the lions, which had the public up in arms. They had planned a public meeting to talk about other options at that time...looks like they came up with a dandy. :rolleyes: What a waste of time and money this issue is turning out to be. You have folks saying they don't want the lions killed, and you have the G&F wanting to reduce the liablity they would have if one of the lions attack a person. The AZ legislature let a bill die this year that would remove the liability of the G&F in such cases. Sounds like they want the wildlife, and want to be able to hold the F&G responsible if anything bad happens.

"A 1996 bear attack on a girl in the Santa Catalina Mountains resulted in a $2.5 million settlement after plaintiffs claimed wildlife officials knew the bear was a problem, but did nothing. There was also a $3 million award to a motorist who hit an elk in 1998 along a stretch of road where other such collisions occurred."


What a messed up state you guys have down there.
Here's something interesting: "The airlift operation is expected to begin next week and last a few days. Its price tag could hit $6,300 a day, depending on the costs of the helicopter that will be used to ferry the lions out. It will involve four biologists and a veterinarian."

Link to a pretty good article

Who do you suppose is going to pay for this relocation? Bet it's not all the people crying over the alternative of killing the lions. Hunters, open your wallets...

There are some many people in this state that would get rid of them for free to. what a waste of money.

Delw i`m glad you posted this,This carpet munching Beotch,[Nappy] is so ignorant it`s sickening. I saw her on the news last week blasting the G&F, saying they need to take a deep breath [she said the same thing about the gas shortage] This dumb ass Governor has most likely never shot a BB gun or hunted or fished in her entire life and here she is sending G&F a stearn memo to stop the hunt! Maybee her and her animal rights bitches should take a Midnight Hike in Sabino Canyon with a Bunch of fresh Catnip in their pockets! :mad: :D
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