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az draw results online

I drew a 12b west deer tag and a unit 23 archery bull tag. Finally have a tag that has a real chance of getting a trophy.
So a friend of mine from BC drew a MT bighorn sheep permit in one of the very best units this year, area 213. Now he's also drawn an Arizona Desert Bighorn hunt in area 46B... How's that for LUCK?? He's an outfitter, but I believe he will be able to swing both hunts due to the late season dates. Beating unbelievable odds no doubt.
Hey would they not be all loaded yet? I'd think once they are released they are all out for the viewing public to see?
No draw for me in Az. Actually no draw for me in any state. O'well probably a good thing since I'm heading to Alaska anyway. Good luck to all that where lucky enough to draw a tag.

I got drawn for my 5th choice in Unit 21 for WT Halloween hunt. It's not the hunt that I wanted but it will do. I'm a believer now that you can still get drawn on your 5th choice. I was also drawn for my 2nd choice for archery cow elk in Unit 4A.
spent 3 hours on the phone this am with the game and fish and the draw place in ten. then game and fish again.

my refunds will be refunded finally. however the 19.50 charge over the weekend was for a deer tag, but they dont have any record of it being in the results, just a record of it being drawn and pegged on my card. its either mine or my daughters.
they dont know what unit it is or anything.
The lady I talked to at game and fish took down the cc info and a few other things adn said I was definatly charged for a deer tag.
so hopefully one of us will get the tag. I hope they dont refund the money for that tag as that would really suck.
Game and fish were really cool , I kinda felt sorry for them cause they are getting hammered big time by some pretty major screw ups on the tenn. side. She told me they had over 1000 phone calls with problems yesterday. but none like mine.
She took down my name and info and said she would call me back with some info. I hope its a deer tag .
That would suck big time Del. Maybe you should threaten them with sending Danni down there to straighten it out??

I hope it works in your favor.

Del, did you start off with the G&F or the people in Tenn. for the extra charges. I need to get about 200 in credits also just wondering where the best place is to start. Hopefully they give you the tag.
dan its no biggy shit happens.

Vinne start off with the dipshits in tenn. make sure you have all your transactions with you and printed go. go over them one by one. then when your all done go over it again and maybe 1 more time. Get the name of the person you arev talking to as well.
if its just over charges then game and fish cant do anything.
Wow I drew Whitetail Deer with unlimited doe tags!

Wait I did not have to draw again! I get them here for just the cost of a tag.
Wow how I miss AZ!
Guess I lose all my AZ Elk bonus points because I'll never get back there to hunt or afford to now:(

Have fun all and hope you guys remember those of us who wont be joining you in AZ this year.
Have a beer for us, after the hunt of course!