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Auburn paying players?


New member
Jul 9, 2012
North Phoenix Az.
ESPN reporting Auburn was or is paying players. Is that a suprize? They are fixing grades too! and they say 12 failed pot tests and they hid it. NO KIDDING!. I was telling a guy at work who is from down south a month ago that thats why that whole conference is so good.. Most of the players coulnd't get in most schools. They say most can't read the diploma when they get one. All schools cheat one way or another .but not the way the SEC boys do. They let any one in to play football. I'm a pac 12 fan being from Az. and Pete Carroll when at USC was a big cheat. It happens everywhere but alot more down south in My OP. ...BOB!
I'm an SEC fan but I can say this doesn't surprise me at all, I'd be more surprised to find an SEC school that doesn't do this. Not to say that other conferences and school's don't do this, just that the SEC does it more or just gets caught more.
It happens at every college.

There was a 20 year old no name Pitt point guard driving around in a $60,000 Cadillac a few years ago.

I work with a guy that was a 3rd string back-up offensive lineman for Pitt when they went to the Fiesta bowl. He said the entire team was given gift baskets full of electronics and jewelry worth about $10-$15,000.
It happens at every college.

There was a 20 year old no name Pitt point guard driving around in a $60,000 Cadillac a few years ago.

I work with a guy that was a 3rd string back-up offensive lineman for Pitt when they went to the Fiesta bowl. He said the entire team was given gift baskets full of electronics and jewelry worth about $10-$15,000.

How does the NCAA miss $15,000.00 per player???? Especially when the players are openly talking about it. Emmert will be interested in this info. Somethings wrong with this picture.

good luck to all
the dog
The kind of money these programs bring in, you can bet they'll be looking for every "advantage" they can to stay successful. Bummer for the programs that do try to play by the rules.
How does the NCAA miss $15,000.00 per player???? Especially when the players are openly talking about it. Emmert will be interested in this info. Somethings wrong with this picture.

good luck to all
the dog

I have no idea.

He said the gift baskets are NCAA approved.
I have no idea.

He said the gift baskets are NCAA approved.

This is pretty standard, but it aint $15k, more like $1k. I think NCAA has a limit of $550 and the schools have a limit less than that.
This is pretty standard, but it aint $15k, more like $1k. I think NCAA has a limit of $550 and the schools have a limit less than that.

I know he ended up with an iPod touch, Playstation 3 with a bunch of games, and some sort of fancy watch. Those are the specific things he told me, the total $ amount came from him.
The NCAA was on Auburn's campus for 13 months and that also was the same time that these allegations supposedly took place. The former players interviewed by espn are all charged with armed robbery and were dismissed from the team. I'm an alumni and employee of Auburn University and take offense to some of this reporting. Why didn't they interview players that remained on the team and actually graduated from the university? Instead they chose those four thugs that are battling there freedoms in court. Seems a little biased to me. There were alot of stones turned by the ncaa and the media to try and pin wrongdoing on cam newton and it never happened. If these allegations really took place under the nose of the ncaa on campus I would be really suprised. Also, if it did truly happen then we should be punished to the maximum.
This is pretty standard, but it aint $15k, more like $1k. I think NCAA has a limit of $550 and the schools have a limit less than that.

Didn't the NCAA limit happen in the last 5-10 years? I thought there was a period where those baskets were fairly unregulated.
Gift baskets are approved by the NCAA before each bowl game. The better the bowl, the better the gift baskets. Trust me, there was no one getting anything that had "fiesta bowl" on it that was not pre-approved by the NCAA. Now did the boosters put together another gift basket, who knows, but the ones that come from each Bowl is fully approved.
Gift baskets are approved by the NCAA before each bowl game. The better the bowl, the better the gift baskets. Trust me, there was no one getting anything that had "fiesta bowl" on it that was not pre-approved by the NCAA. Now did the boosters put together another gift basket, who knows, but the ones that come from each Bowl is fully approved.

Thanks for the info, Pono. Very interesting.

good luck to all
the dog