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Article in Current "Bugle" Magazine


New member
Nov 13, 2014
Northern VA
Just checking to see how many of you may be familiar with the article on page 73 of the current (Jan - Feb 2015) "Bugle" Magazine in which the author recounts an experience of having other "hunters" shoot at/near him. This was not described as a random shot at an animal that just happened to end up near the author, but as deliberate shots to intimidate/frighten him away. :eek:

I'm still using my "New Guy" card here, but has anyone else experience this kind of behavior while elk hunting?

Fortunately I have not. I had the same interpretation as you that they shot at him to run him off. Very sad that killing an elk is that important to someone.
My grampa was shot at 3-4 times by a guy. They were sitting on the edge of private, and apparently the ranch hand thought he could go vigilante on them. The LO pressed charges for trespassing, he took it to court and it was tossed out. For what ever reason no charges were filed for attempted murder. This was about 25 years ago I suppose now.

The shooter now has a fairly lengthy criminal record.
I had a guy shoot an elk that was 40 yards away from me - and the elk was between us. I didn't have a clean shot due to tree's, but the guy clearly knew I was there (he waved at me earlier). I was ducking cover quick.

He's also spending time in jail now (armed bank robbery).
That's one thing that is slowly turning me into an archery hunter. To many crazy guys in the woods with a rifle these days.
Had a guy in Colorado at a forest campground in the evening unloading his rifle when it fired and the bullet hit 3 feet from our camp fire and whithin 15 feet of where I was standing.That was worse I ever chewed someones AZZ that I canever remember.
I understand that there will always be some knuckleheads out there who lack good firearms handling skills or discipline. Accidental discharges, not making sure of what lies beyond your target, and other screw-ups are going to happen (no that they should be excused). This story, however, just really bothered me. Just hoping it is an extremely rare exception and that the perpetrators do end up behind bars at some point (if they have not ended up there already).
That's one thing that is slowly turning me into an archery hunter. To many crazy guys in the woods with a rifle these days.
Had a guy in Colorado at a forest campground in the evening unloading his rifle when it fired and the bullet hit 3 feet from our camp fire and whithin 15 feet of where I was standing.That was worse I ever chewed someones AZZ that I canever remember.

Probably a Remington ;)
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Dang! You guys are almost making me re-think my desire to hunt out west!

BTW....If John Cushman and other military or former military members on this site haven't heard it enough already, Thank You for Your Service! I work at the so-called "dull end of the spear," but I am constantly in awe of the sacrifices so many of you have made and continue to make.

Hunt Safe!
None of these stories really surprise me, given the craziness that goes on all over the West (opening day being the absolute worst).
One guy said it best earlier this fall. "By 9am on opening day, I was rooting for the deer." (ID unit 39 general)

I'd rather do doves or ducks then go out for the deer opener. I don't want to look down another guys barrel at close range again.
I haven't met another hunter in the woods other than on the trails in or out for a couple of years. Guess it depends where you are in the west.
One guy said it best earlier this fall. "By 9am on opening day, I was rooting for the deer." (ID unit 39 general)

This is the conversation my friend that moved from Kali to Dillon and I were having about the poor dang elk in that country. 5 HDs went either sex all season... you start rootin for all those poor cows.

Then the dude gets whacked in the face!!!

And, yes, Cushman wins!
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