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Arrows4Christ Church Archery Group


New member
Dec 8, 2004
New Brunswick Canada
I have been putting regular updates in one of the threads in the fireside area but thought I would start this one just so I can post my updates in it. We started the Church group last year in late January and started out with a bang ending up with about 40 members by June. The average number of shooters per week ended up being between 15 and 20 with some diehard shooters as well as others (50-50). I did notice that every week the people coming rotated through the members. We do not charge a membership fee and all we ask is that if the person has it to donate a couple of bucks to help with targets, prizes from time to time and general up keep of the club. That has worked out well.

Here is last nights report.

I was very much encouraged last night at our group. We had the die hards as usual but we also had a couple new folks that when it came time to leave they said see you next week.
Over the night we had 11 people come. Eastern could not make it until later as he had a meeting but came and watched as he did not have a bow with him. We also had a husband and wife show up so the husband could look at and try a bow one of the regulars has up for sale. The both read our rules and then signed off on them to make them members. The wife shot many years ago and dug her bow out of storage and will be joining us in the near future. They will have to find a baby sitter for some nights but I hope will bring there 9 year old from time to time to teach her.
I am not sure what was up with me but it felt comfortable and I shot very well.
I can not say enough about firenocks target nocks. for shooting practice they are an awesome thing to have. I can see what I did wrong very quickly and know were I am on the target as soon as it hits instead of having to wait until I retrieve my arrows.
I felt very encouraged last night and look forward to the future for the club.

Thanks for all your support and encouragement.
The report for tonights shoot is going to be early. With the weather predictions being so uncertain with snow, rain, freezing rain all mixed in I decided to cancel for tonight and worry about next week.
Winter is here isn't it.

Jim Thanks.
I made the right call on that one. The weather is starting to get bad and the roads are already very slippery.

I also pulled a good one. I put on the radio stations in the area that The Tuesday night archery at First Wesleyan Church was cancelled tonight due to the weather.

I can hear people now....... Archery at that church.. When did they start that?

This could work out to be free advertising.
Holy smokes. You are not going to believe what I just found out.

Our local newspaper has made a request to come to archery tonight to take photos for an article they want to do on our archery club. I am in shock and don't know which way to turn.
I left a message to say come on out and get the pictures tonight as it is the last night before we break for Christmas. We can do an interview latter.
I will put a link up once the story has gone to print.

This is a little more than I could have ever expected. Wish me luck.
Lets see. I forgot the camera again but we still had a good time. We had another shooter show up tonight and I think he enjoyed himself. The newspaper's photographer made it right on time at 7:30 and took a pile of photos. To set it off just after he got there we heard a strange sound down range and the arrows just didn't look right. Sure enough one of the trad shooters managed a robin hood. Way to cool for us but I think he wanted to cry about losing an arrow. LOL.
Well the official interview will be on Friday at Lunch time and then the article will be in the newspaper on the 6th of Jan. in the hobbies area of the weekend news paper.
I am nervous and not sure how this will go. I think this could be real good for the club.
Welcome to 2009 and the start of the new indoor archery season. yea I know I forgot the camera tonight and we had a great night too. We had 16 shooters show up tonight and had 4 or five of them that were new to the club thanks to the news paper article. We had some that had done some shooting before and had there own equipment, one that was looking for equipment before he starts, one male absolutly new to the sport and one female new to the sport show up tonight. We did some tech work on bows, I put a new string loop on one bow after the shooter got hit in the mouth when the old loop let go. OUCH.

All in all a good night and very nice to see the numbers back up.
I have been contacted to see if I would put on another Archery Safety course in the evenings like I did last year. It would be held at the church again and shooting tests would be done in the gym just like last year.
Then the gentleman asked if I would be interested in helping out with a shooting course for archery and the students would be 26 forestry students who want to study this stuff so they have a good idea what it is all about when they get out of school and start working for companies managing there properties. This will also show them that it is nothing like hunting with a gun. There is a far amount more effort to hunting with a bow.

Looks like I am going to be busy.
Sad news in the family as my sister-in-laws Dad, which was an old family friend has passed away on the weekend. My family will have to travel to the funeral home on Tuesday night but I have Hopesman, Lukinforsunrise, and Eastern lined up to take the club for that night. All will continue as usual in other words.
This trip is more moral support for those who are morning than anything else and just shows that we do care about there lose. Just keep them in your prayers at night.
If one of them think to take a camera and take a few for me I will post as soon as I get them.

The Club will still shoot as usual.
I had a great night tonight and actually noticed one of my arrows had a carbon sliver come off it so I trashed it. I shot fairly well but alas our numbers were down tonight. We did have one new shooter two old shooters injured but came out for moral support and had 3 new fellows come and sign up so they will be ready to shoot next week. we had 4 or 5 shooting tonight with some of the regulars out snowmobiling and the high school has exams going on. That affects a lot of the parents and any teens that might show up.
Still any night you can shoot is a good night.
I also talked a bit with one of our members about maybe putting on a 3D shot with a BBQ when we get ready to shut down in late May as a close out fun day. Do it on a Saturday and just have fun.

I like the sounds of that.
At that is the report for Jan. 20, 2009

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