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Arnold Wins....


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
Oct. 7 — Arnold Schwarzenegger, the Austrian-born policeman’s son-turned-actor who began his quest to be governor of California on a TV talk show, won the office late Tuesday, as projected by NBC News based on exit polling. Voters apparently rejected the embattled Gov. Gray Davis in a closely watched, at-times bizarre campaign, calling for change in the direction of the nation’s most populous state and its battered economy, the world’s fifth-largest.
Here's hoping that Arnold's man enough to live up to his promises. Now you just have to work on him about his opinions on gun control.
I would have bet big money on this one, and unlike my brother I am not a betting person.
This was just too easy.
I think (hope?) that Arnold is the type of guy who has probably not yet really formalized his opinion on gun control. He has just had the same superficial opinions as the rest of the general public. One TV station here conducted a poll and found out that 95% of Los Angeles area residents did not feel that new gun control laws had any effect on crime and that no new gun laws were needed. They were surprised by that. But most people, for whatever reason, feel that background checks should be done and that assault weapons should be regulated in some way...kind of vague, but most of the populace does not dwell on gun control. Just those who have strong feelings about it, one way or the other.

So I hope that Arnold will do some thinking and some research on the topic, just as he says he is going to have auditors review the state's books. I think/hope that he is going to rely upon consultation with experts before making decisions, just as he does in business.
Davis is gone, that piece of S*@t.
And Snooz Bustamonte got creamed as well, things are looking up.
Davis sold this state down the river for campain contributions, and now he's looking for a job.
If Arnold does even half of what he says, it will be a huge improvment.
Arnold need`s to "terminate" Bustamante if he can cause he will stab him in the back first chance he gets! and "most" of the gov`t officials are controled by the Grey Davis/Bustamante Clan.
I'm sure that the people of Cal. will see some fast changes, now that they have G.A.S.
Govenor Arnold Schwarzenegger

Hey I know it was lame,,but someone was going to come up with it

Davis's supposedly "overwhelming" minority support never materialized, mostly because of his tripleing the car registration fees.That is one issue that hit home with EVERYONE.
That was the last straw to begin with that sparked the whole thing in the first place.My pickup tags are 185.00. They would go up to 555.00 under Davis.Yes our state is broke but jacking up the tag fees just aint gonna get you any friends right now.No one can afford it.They want us all to drive new cars to cut down on emissions.Not many people can afford a new car but are forced to get one because CA tightens the smog restrictions so your older car wont pass.So now that person is forced to choose between feeding your family or paying the new car payment( on top of everything else)to drive on #@)(*%* up roads that tear up the new car.
Then they triple the car registration fee.Now no one can pay to get thier car registered, so now your forced to decide whether to drive to work with no tags or stay home.Then the late fees start kicking in ....
Result: Davis out Arnold in. Now he better live up to his promises.Or else.
I only got to see the TV a couple of times after the election and all I could see was our esteamed liberal press whining like there was no tomorrow...
Well, maybe there isn't for them and that would not hurt my feelings in the least...
I think the pendulum has hit the far end of socialism and is now swinging back into more of a conservative mode!!!
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