Yeti GOBOX Collection

Arizona hunters with atvs


Well-known member
Jul 23, 2001
Gilbert, Arizona
Okay, all you guys in Arizona with atvs --- LISTEN UP!!!!!!!

A good friend of mine was up in Unit 7 this last week-end and finally had rumors come true. The Forest Service had meetings earlier this summer and one of the big issues was how they were going to handle atvs during this Fall's big game hunts. Well, they've started implementing their new policy:

ALL atvs being ridden on forest service roads must now be properly licensed for ON-ROAD use (correct license plate) with the accompanying safety items (horn and rear-view mirror). Don't try to get by with just the simple "RV" plate --- that won't cut it. Both my friends were in camp when an AZ. G&F officer stopped by and told them if their atvs left camp, they'd both be looking at $150.00 fines (they have the "RV" plates on their quads). They proceeded to cite other guys right after that as they rode by their camp. And they were NOT giving out warnings. You can imagine how that went over ...

Anyway, I'd advise you to call your local forest service office to clarify what you need to legally ride your atv on your hunt this year. Hopefully you can get your equipment needs taken care of before your hunt. I just didn't want any of you guys getting hammered with a fine if it could be avoided!!!

Good luck and shoot straight,

I guess the best thing that I can say about that is "It's about time". I don't know about ATVs in other parts of the country, but my experience with them in Arizona has been less than desirable. A few years ago while deer hunting, I was up on a ridge about 300 feet above and about 1/2 mile from the road. I was on my way back to camp. I saw an ATV rider on the road coming towards me. He spotted me and waved and I waved back. He then turned his ATV and proceeded to come directly up the hill toward me. He came right up to me to say "Good Morning" and inquire about the hunt. When I mentioned the fact that he shouldn't be riding off road, he got really pissed, called me a couple of names and turned around and sped off down the hill. That is pretty much the attitude I have experienced with ATV riders here.

My favorite Game Ranger stopped three guys on the ranch a couple of years ago. All three of them were sitting on ATV's just on the near side of a fence that had been cut, and had tracks going thru the fence line, and then coming back out. One of the guys had a pair of wire cutters in his pocket, yet they denied that they had cut the fence. Tim agreed with them and wrote them tickets anyway.

I don't have a lot of good feelings for most ATV riders. I am a short, fat, old man and if I can walk when I hunt, most of these younger guys can too. I think requiring street legallity is a good thing. Why should they be exempted? :cool:

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 05 September 2001 06:58: Message edited by: danr55 ]</font>

I don't disagree with you about the irresponsible use of quads, etc. Regardless, it's still the responsible guys who are having to license their quads "street-legal" for use on unpaved forest service roads, even though they may already have state "RV" plates on them. I don't see where the "street legality" licensing will decrease idiotic atv use by Neanderthals.

I can't argue with that. I feel for the guys that are responsible in their use of quads for having to pay the consequences for the idiots. As soon as I find those guys, I will apologize to both of them. ( ;) )

Really, I know there are a lot of quad riders that pay attention to how and where they ride. It really is too bad that they get penalized for the idiots. Unfortunately, it's like anything else. You never remember the guys that were doing it right. All you remember are the guys that come riding up the hill to see how your hunt went. It's almost the same as trying to take away firearms because a few people misuse them.

Almost, not quite. :cool:
Most people that use quads to hunt are just in a hurry to tag something because they only want to spend a day or so outside then get back to the wife and warm house...

I will be useing a quad for my upcoming elk hunt this year but it will be for packing out only...i might take it for a ride and shoot some yotes while scouting, other than yote hunting I wont use one for hunting biggame...
The forest serviceand other Depts. In my OPINION just saw and oportunity to get some extra revenue. I wont buy the arguement that they did it to limit the # of people out in the forest. people will just go and get the proper licence. they also used this excuss to shut a few of the anti quad people up...
I mean think about it what the heck differnce is it if your licenced or not on a unpaved forest servise road?Wana bet they are getting a big chunk of change for each one licenced? The bottom line is . Its our goverment at work they see a way to make money and they do it. Dont be suprised if you see a forrest service use tax(like a trespasser fee) to hunt on national forest in the next few years..
They have done this with almost all of the lakes here in AZ , One lake in particular is horseshoe lake, you cant even drive down the road with out paying(if you do and get caught it cost 150 bucks) thats even to go quail hunting deer hunting or just to go look around(btw the lake is 2 miles from the pay station). They say it is to help the lake guess what there hasnt been any water in the lake for nearly 21 years,and if we do have water in it its drained right away..

I called Dan Diamond at G&F yesterday. During the course of the conversation I asked about the licnesing of ATVs. He said it was the first he'd heard of it. He was enthusiastic about it becuase it will make his job easier. He is an enforcement investigator. His job is to go find the a$$holes that break the law and get turned in by responsible hunters, campers, and tourists. He said he has about 400 cases of guys on red ATVs or green ATVs or black ATVs that he can't prove or prosecute becuase there is no positive way to trace them back. Now, with a license plate number maybe he can solve 5% or 10% of those cases. Seems there may be other motives besides money Del. :cool:
Dan It still is a money issue with the forest service, most of those guys will never get caught anyhow... you ever try to get a licence # plate off an atv doing 30mph.. let alone one doing 50+ on dirt roads in AZ you cant even see the back of an atv let alone the road after they went thru....I am sure they might buts a few more than normal but thats about it..

I have to agree with Del. Why screw with the liberties of the people who use them responsibly? If you're concerned about the buttholes who are out there, then find and HAMMER them (I'm talking confiscation of the ATV, all equipment on it, the vehicle that pulled it, etc., on top of a huge fine).
Think about how this argument would be going if it was guns instead of ATV's. Don't screw with the law abiding, responsible majority. It's just an excuse for laziness and lack of fortitude on the part of our government. It's easier to take away our liverties than it is to enforce the law.
Just my $0.02.
Jim,I agree with that .
Its the Idots that mess it up for all of us.Nail them not those of us that use them in the right manner.
Delw,I just have to disagree with your statement that those that use ATVs are lazy and just wanting to get back to the wife -trust me thats not why I ride mine LOL Im not like that ya know :eek: :eek: :eek:
Really you all know we ride them but dont (hunt) off of them. I will say if im riding by and happen to see a animal I have been known to bail off :D Is that any different then someone riding in a truck? The way my luck runs I seem to get most of my animals back in where I have to pack out on our backs.
It the same old thing its always those that have to abuse things that make it bad for the rest. We need to police are own .

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