Arizona Enviromentalists stealing tags?

Between Bigsky and the Cheese, they have 6 posts in here, and neither one of them has a clue what the topic is about and prove how full of shit they both are.

Big Sky, you ever eat many animals or vegetables grown around that SuperFund site that the Cheese calls home? You should read up on the affects of heavy metals in your diet.
Hey Hosey, Why is it you keep trying to dig up that old stuff as a retort to my stinging remarks? Do you have such a difficult time sticking to the facts that slinging crap is the only way you can respond? Or is there some deep dark lingering secret that you really want to tell everyone, but can't bring yourself to say it? Oh, and while I'm at it, why do you have such a wee-wee for Texas? (I would have said hard-on but we all know that's not possible..) Do you have issues with Texas?

Hey DanR,

What old stuff do I dig up? You are the one that always posts the pictures of the last deer you killed, you know, the one you had to name since it was the biggest accomplishment in your life. I forget what you named it, but it was something like Lisa Marie or Priscella.... The fact you never get out and hunt, but instead, cruise hunting forums for fat chicks is Current Events, is it not?
Delw, Danr55, and Erik- Guys thanks for the information.

Jose I'm not here to make enemies. My remarks were not intentionally expressed to piss anyone off. I respect how you feel. So if I pissed you off and apology is in order. Sorry about ruffleing your feathers. THIS CASE IS CLOSED.
My God GFHunter, don't apologize .. It only encourages him.. as if needed encouraging.. I think it's courage that he needs. Courage to face himself in the mirror everyday and realize that he has to spend 24-7 with the idiot that's looking back at him.

Hmm,, Maybe I can understand his attitude a bit better. I would have a really bad attitude is I had to spend 24-7 being him..

Ol Danr is right on something, no apology is necessary, instead, take the time to educate yourself on what is required to keep our sport alive, and you will find it is HABITAT for the game animals. Learn something about environmental issues, and you will find they are what keeps your sport alive and a chance for your kids and grandkids to enjoy it. Environmentalists do more for hunting THAN hunters, so don't go spreading lies about them.

Bitter ol' guys like Danr will never be able to comprehend this, as it is a new thought, and when people get too old, they start losing the ability to process new thoughts and ideas, thus resulting in them living in their "glory days" when they once killed a deer and named it Priscilla.

I thought it was funny how you didn't thank ol Cheese or Big Sky, as it was obvious neither one of them understood the topic. If you want Cheese to actually comment on something he understands, have him comment on only working 5 days a year. And if you want Big Sky's opinion/advice, ask him about how much fun he has sitting over 55 gallon drums of garbage so he can "hunt" bears.
JoseCuervo said:
ask him about how much fun he has sitting over 55 gallon drums of garbage so he can "hunt" bears.

Am I missing something? Isn't that how you "hunt" bears? :confused:

guner/sybil/josie isn't really interested on you educating yourself, the more you do, the more of a cancer he/she/it becomes...

I also haven't seen one post made by the above he/she/it that pertains to the topic of this thread, but seems to accuse others of not following along, I'm glad Del was able to cut most of the cancer and illness out of this board awhile back...
It seems that Ol' HoseB is fixated on the fact that I've posted a picture of a deer on here and the fact that I named that deer. He also seems obsessed with the fact that I am older than him.. Something that he, with an attitude like his anywhere but on line, will never see. He takes pleasure in pointing those facts out everytime he posts something in relation to a comment I've made. Now I have a question...

How many of you have seen a picture of any critter killed, trapped, or otherwise put to demise with Jose in the picture? Could it be that Jose or Sybil or Hose B is actually a PETA member in good standing? A non-hunting aggitator whose sole interest is stirring the pot? That is besides being an egotistical, self serving, juvenile, idiot.

JoseQueervo you are one strange clueless duck. No point in trying to reason with a person that has such poor comprehension skills. All you like to do is stir hunters up against hunters. You accuse me of being clueless on the topic in this thread. I fully understand it and I completely understand what you are doing. No where did I accuse environmentalist of anything, but you were too stupid to comprehend that and went off on some tangent. I do know that you like pitting hunters against hunters though, and I'm still convinced that you are a PETA poster child. So what's your next subject baiting vs non-baiting, inline vs non-inline muzzleloaders, compound bows vs primitive bows, how about bow vs crossbow? You are pathetic and predictable. I'm finished with this thread as I have better things to do than waste time with a spineless piss-ant such as yourself that hides behind a computer.
HAHAHA!!!! LMAO!!!!!

So many questions, and you guys will get no answers....

guner/sybil/josie only stirs the pot and asks questions, never does he/she answer any, especially those pertaining to her/himself...
Jose, I thought this issue was closed. I gave you the respect of apology for hurting your feeling (you big cry baby). So you accuse of me of spreading lies. This thread was to find the truth of what my brother-in-law was telling me (who actually lives in arizona).
I am relatively new to this forum and here is the information I have gathered about you. YOU carry way to much baggage on your donkey. Its a fact. You are a lone soldier in this battle of life. Just look at the postings. Everyone here knows you are short of a full deck. I can understand why you left for a while. I would leave too if I was always pissing people off. Lastly, it is obvious you are part of some enviromentalist group and you cant stand the reputation you carry.

As for BIG SKY, I have seen several of his students go on to have very successful careers in the the art world. I agree with what he said about you on this thread completely. I just didnt comment on it because I knew your heal had already been bruised and I didn't want to make you cry any harder.

Pack up your donkey and all your baggage and start walking south of the border and dont stop until you reach the faulkland Islands.
Big Sky said:
I'm finished with this thread as I have better things to do than waste time with a spineless piss-ant such as yourself that hides behind a computer.

Booooohhaaahaaaa..... C'ya BigSky,

(Hey did you have to buy new tires for this hunting season? I would imagine if you do too much road hunting you wear them out quickly....)
danr55 said:
It seems that Ol' HoseB is fixated on the fact that I've posted a picture of a deer on here and the fact that I named that deer.

That sounds like some PETA-wannabe that names his deer. DanR, how many years has it been since you shot Priscella?
danr55 said:
Jose, we all know why you walk on water,,,, feces floats..


How come with all the biological ailments you have? Are you really that old and decrepit? And as an FYI, although I doubt you are smart enough to process new information, not all shit floats. It is dependent on the fibre content of the food consumed. You really don't know "shit", do you?
Well Hoser, I guess you've got fiber where you should have sand. Sorry you're such a putz..
