Arizona draw results?

why oh why?

Applied to a hunt with moderately low odds but had a chance and the dates fit my schedule. It was really just taking a chance rather than outright buying a point for this year. Work didn't allow time to research either so it was just getting the application in and hope for the best. I am an AZ resident so that definitely helps.
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We are home again... Drew Unit 8 for the November rifle hunt. More to follow... I hope.
Congratulations to everyone who drew and good luck. To those who did not draw, better luck next year.
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Applied to a hunt with moderately low odds but had a chance and the dates fit my schedule. It was really just taking a chance rather than outright buying a point for this year. Work didn't allow time to research either so it was just getting the application in and hope for the best. I am an AZ resident so that definitely helps.

what i meant was why would you put the same hunt code on your app multiple times? There is no usful reason to do that...
I understood. Probably didn't matter for 3-5 but I have a friend who was told by AZGFD that you boost your odds of a particular hunt if it's 1 and 2. I'm not qualified to analyze the draw at that level but I was all in on this particular hunt so it didn't hurt me to just list it five times. I'll research it and see how 1st and 2nd choice interact. That wasn't my strategy last year since I went bull tag for #1 and cow for #2. Drew cow.

I was out of town on work with limited internet as well for the period of the online app so it was when I had access to the app, I just quickly bought my antelope point and put in for elk. Expected not to draw and to be researching CO options for 2019.
The Arizona draw is not complicated at all. All of the applications are processed based on a random number assigned when the application is received. If you have bonus points, you get an extra random number for each bonus point. It helps in that you have multiple chances to draw an earlier random number but the number of points does not help unless you are in the top 10% of bonus numbers for a particular species. A certain number of tags are reserved for each species for the top 10% of bonus numbers and they are drawn separately. Once all of the applications are received and numbered, a random number is generated by the system. That number designates what number the draw will start with. If there are 40,000 applications for Muskrat, and the system generates 29,441, then the draw will begin with number 29,441 and all applications will be processed for the first two hunt numbers on the applications. Once those hunts are filled, the applications will be processed for the next three hunt numbers on each application in order. Once all the hunts are filled, it is finished. That is why it is important to select the hunts you really want for number 1 or number 2. Generally, for species like Elk, there are far more applications than there are tags available so the hunts are exhausted long before the applications are all processed. The other train of thought is that if you really want to go hunting, select a premium hunt number 1 and a less than premium hunt for number 2. This increases your odds of being drawn for a hunt. There are now what are designated "Limited Opportunity Hunts". These are areas where there are few Elk or Deer and they want to move them out of the area. Elk on the North Kaibab is an excellent example. This year we applied for Bull Elk Rifle hunts in Units 8, 9 and 10 in that order. Fortunately, we drew tags number 225,226 and 227 for the rifle hunt in Unit 8.
We blanked on Wyoming after pulling tags 2 years in a row and going 4 for 6 on nice bulls. I put in solo for AZ on a whim planning on accruing points again and moving on to other states in hopes of an LE tag and falling back to an OTC state if necessary. Randomly opened my CC app and saw a higher than expected balance and a charge from ADGFD for $650. Guess I'll be piled into 6A with 699 of my closest friends trying to fill an elk tag for the 5th year in a row. Haven't been to AZ since I was 8 so I will be open to any info people are willing to offer up. Have already been scouring maps and may be able to get down for a 5 day scouting trip and plan to arrive a couple days early to get a grip on the landscape.
You said it best.. "699 friends".. get away from the crowd. Check the area west of Mormon Lake around Sheep Springs and Buck Mountain. If that is packed with folk ( highly likely), move south and west until they thin out. Lots of sitting and watching the south facing and west facing slopes in the morning and evening. There are a few are in the southern part of the unit around Fossil Creek that have been known to hold elk when they are pushed out further north. If push comes to shove, try that area around Stawberry and Fossil Creek. Good Luck..
Dschmitt88, Didn't anyone tell you the elk migrate out of 6B before the late hunt starts? They all move west into ares with lower pastures to get out of the deep snow up there...

Just kidding. Good luck..
Dschmitt88, Didn't anyone tell you the elk migrate out of 6B before the late hunt starts? They all move west into ares with lower pastures to get out of the deep snow up there...

Just kidding. Good luck..
Haha don’t scare me like that. Thanks
We blanked on Wyoming after pulling tags 2 years in a row and going 4 for 6 on nice bulls. I put in solo for AZ on a whim planning on accruing points again and moving on to other states in hopes of an LE tag and falling back to an OTC state if necessary. Randomly opened my CC app and saw a higher than expected balance and a charge from ADGFD for $650. Guess I'll be piled into 6A with 699 of my closest friends trying to fill an elk tag for the 5th year in a row. Haven't been to AZ since I was 8 so I will be open to any info people are willing to offer up. Have already been scouring maps and may be able to get down for a 5 day scouting trip and plan to arrive a couple days early to get a grip on the landscape.
I had 6A in 2016 and it wasn't hard to get away from the crowd. I liked that hunt and had it as my 5th choice. It took me 4 days to get me a little 6x6 as I was just a few minutes too late setting up on a 325 opening morning. Yes, I would shoot a 325 opening morning in just about any unit. As soon as your a few hundred yards off the road you don't see anyone. I found a few knolls and hilltops that I liked to glass from but not much for wide open field of view in the area I was at. Good luck.
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