PEAX Equipment

Are you packing already?

Western Traveler1

Well-known member
Aug 18, 2017
The Front Montana
I can hardly contain myself. Every day I am having to hold myself back. I have my base camp/wall tent and equipment stored in one spot in the barn, clothes and gear in its own closet but the urge to start piling it in the truck and living room is overpowering 😂 Not leaving for Colorado till the 8th. I’ve enough other things to keep me busy, hiking, maps and shooting but still. The items on the list in my head are piling up...Do you still feel like a kid the night before the hunt?
You're doing better than me. We don't leave until the 18th of September and we're just about packed up except for food and weapons. Lol
well I fly out Tuesday for my first hunt of the year, you year I am pretty well packed.
There are 136 days between now and the end of the hunting seasons I will participate in (not including anything that may come up after January 1).
I now have, oh, all of those days to chase fur, (not to rule out fins) and feathers if I so choose.
Think I'll not rush to pack:p.
Not hunting until first rifle here in Colorado, but already packed because our house went up for sale yesterday. Extra stuff is in storage, so my pack is packed up.
Yes, I sort of never stop. I have an 8ft “hunting table” in the basement that is sort of a revolving packing/organizing system. I’m usually no more than 2 hours or so away from wheels turning for a hunt at any point of the year except for food etc...
I head to CO on the 12th. Most of my stuff is packed and ready. Greasing the wheel bearings on the trailer tomorrow. It’s getting real now! Good luck everyone!
I keep notes on my computer ie; NZ....Hawaii....Alaska....etc. and when something pops into my mind I put that on the note for that trip. So I normally don't pack until a few days before leaving. However, I can't stop planning hunts for 1 and 2 years down the road. I think more about future hunts more than this year's hunts.
This'll be my first DIY back country western hunt. The guest room looks like a crime scene with stuff laying out everywhere. Double...triple...multi-checkin' lists, Makin additions and deletions, packing n re-packin the gear. Getting caught just sittin' there, zoned out, with a little mental movie running in me little muddled head of scenarios and solutions.......big fargin bulls too!!!
Lovin every minute of it. 😂
I'm leaving in the morning for a month long road trip with the wife and 1 year old daughter!! A couple weeks in Montana and Idaho, and then I get to hunt Colorado for 10 days in September... I am sooooo pumped!!! Good luck everyone!

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