NEW SITKA Ambient 75

archery cow elk ?


New member
Feb 18, 2014
Archery cow elk,early September or last week of September ,What is better,or don't it matter?
I've called cows in every week of bow season. One week hasn't seemed any better than another for me at least. However, where I hunt I don't go more than a mile from the rig the first week or so. I am usually by myself so if the weathers warm the pack out can be interesting. I usually hunt the least the first week of bow season due to warm conditions.
I'm usually so anxious to get out and hunt by the time Sept. comes around that I hunt it pretty hard right away. As other people have said, elk can be found any time of the year. One reason I like earlier is because you are more likely to find a stray cow or two away from a larger herd, which means they will react more to a call and will not have 100 eyes watching their back. However, it is tough to beat chasing vocal elk herds. If I had to choose, I would say Sept 15 every year.
One thing I've noticed in the unit I hunt in Colorado is that the first couple of weeks of archery season seem to have less hunting pressure. And although the elk aren't really rutting yet, they are in a summer routine that presents some ambush possibilities, I believe. So, there are some advantages to hunting early.
Looks like I will be going the last week of September as my grandkids are going to be in the Michigan youth hunt on the 19th and 20th.Would not miss that .