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Anyone finding Morels in Montana yet?


Well-known member
Sep 16, 2018
I think it's a tad early yet, but I am going to take a poke this weekend. We have had a good amount of moisture and almost the right temps here in western MT. Anyone have any luck yet?
Don't believe nighttime temps have gotten warm enough anywhere in MT yet for morels to wake up.

15° when I woke up this morning. Around Helena anyway, I usually don't see them until May.
oh how I long for fresh morels. Use to get them around this time of year in Michigan and have a big fried chicken and mushroom get together with the cousins. Good times
It's just getting good in Missouri, it'll be a bit before you start seeing 'em. Need 4" soil depth averaging 50-55ish degrees, we've got a cold front coming in the next couple days that is going to mess with our season.
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WE have had a very slow year around here. Started finding a few at the end of April and a few more every week or so after. Just not a bumper crop of them this year. I have heard the same from friends, just handfuls here or there. I guess the mystery of the Morels remains. It takes much more then rain and nice night time temps to POP.
yah same here, we've found only about a dozen, in groups of 2's or 3's, a few singles....nothing great
Heard from someone that was in the Sanders County MT area that found a ton around 4k ft this past weekend.

Not MT, but a nearby data point. Morels have been great in the CDA area. Maybe due to a good conditions, but I wonder how much was due more people spending time in the woods and looking. Wife and I ahve picked 15+ lbs and gave a bunch away and dehydrated quite a bit. This past Saturday we picked almost 2 lbs while walking 1/4 mile on a ridge to check a trail cam around 4k ft elevation. So probably be 4k+ ft this weekend, closer to town anyways.
I found some here in sheridan on the 14th last week, they were around 3800' along a creek I was surveying.
Finding decent groups in cottonwood river bottoms in W MT. Hoping maybe this weekend will see some start to pop a little higher in older burned areas. With all of the moisture, I am thinking June for more of my traditional mountain spots.

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