Anyone dealing with Supraventricular Tachycardia (SVT) Heart Palpitations?


Active member
Apr 4, 2011
Anyone dealing with Supraventricular Tachycardia (SVT) Heart Palpitations? I had SVT develope really out of nowhere this past February and it evolved rather quickly. It went from minor palpitations to extreme occurrences causing dizziness and fainting, nervous to even drive within a month.

After meeting with a Cardiologist he stated you can try to control it with a lifetime of medication or have a procedure done called an Ablation which has a pretty decent success rate to hopefully resolve the irregular heartbeat.

It seemed like a no-brainer to me to have the procedure done to hopefully get back to a normal life versus the medication. I had it done a week ago today as so far so good. Fingers crossed!

I wanted to share in case someone is dealing with SVT, talk to a Cardiologist and look into the Ablation procedure to get your life back.

Ps- I understand an Ablation procedure is also an option for AFIB.

Here's to Good Health so we can All enjoy the Outdoors!!
brother had this done. gosh that musta been spring of 2020? or summer of 2020? no, fall/winter of 2019? geez, doesn't feel like it was quite that long ago.

either way, he has finally overcome the anxiety and panic attacks that resulted from SVT. while the ablation was and remains successful, it's literally taken up until the past six months for him to feel like he can trust his heart again to do real things, active things.

can't imagine. he was on a lot of anxiety meds. they didn't treat his body well. all that's finally turning for the better though.
My Dad recently passed away; he had been seeing a cardiologist about this exact issue.

He was swimming and was unable to come up for air; he was 61 with no family history of heart issues. He was extremely healthy as well, absolutely tragic.

Hopefully that story helps someone who’s on the fence or hasn’t seeked treatment/diagnosis.
Idk half these words but I got lit up by a 110v hot wire fence today and swear I had cardiac arrest coming soon . The hearts nothing to mess with . Hope all turns out for ya . Health is something we all take fore granted .
Friend of mine just had an ablation done for the second time for afib. All is well.
My Dad recently passed away; he had been seeing a cardiologist about this exact issue.

He was swimming and was unable to come up for air; he was 61 with no family history of heart issues. He was extremely healthy as well, absolutely tragic.

Hopefully that story helps someone who’s on the fence or hasn’t seeked treatment/diagnosis.
Very sorry to hear about your dad.
For AFIB it is not once and done. Repeat procedures are needed. My wife was admitted 2 years ago for really bad AFIB. She has been fine ever since on the maintenance med.

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