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Anybody have the photos of this poached buck?

Looks like I get a stab at one of those big bucks. Maybe I should hire camera crew and film it. Start my own web site and then make up stories to destroy the reputation of anyone that gets in my way. then get a bunch of d@@k suckers to follow me to make sure they have my back when I move on to the next victim. It wouldn't matter how I acted behind the scene because I could edit anything to make me look like the better man. I could sell my fantasy experience and make lots of money. People would love me because they think hunt at there level. Except in the back of my mind I would really be better than all of them.

If randy removes me from his forum that proves everything to me. He is a hit and run kind of guy. If he had such a problem with me he should have worked it out right there. He could have used his words like I tell my kids and talked it over. Instead he didn't want to work with me and ran to his little web forum and personally attacked me. How do you think you would have felt. I'm not a bad guy. I just don't bow down to money.
If randy removes me from his forum that proves everything to me. He is a hit and run kind of guy. If he had such a problem with me he should have worked it out right there. He could have used his words like I tell my kids and talked it over. Instead he didn't want to work with me and ran to his little web forum and personally attacked me. How do you think you would have felt. I'm not a bad guy. I just don't bow down to money.

I just had a tear run down my cheek. You have kids, God help us....:W:
I'm not a bad guy. I just don't bow down to money.

From the guys I've had the good fortune of meeting on this site that know Randy well have told me if there is one thing Randy has not gotten from this show is money. My understanding is that Randy started this show with nothing but the shirt on his back.

As far as you not being a bad guy, that might be true. But at least come on here and represent yourself better. Many of here know and respect Randy too much to take your word for anything.

BUT the great thing about this site is that there is a great group of guys here and you can stick around and enjoy it if you wanted.
I say we all throw a blanket party for wingnut................I really feel for his kids, they probably are actually losing IQ points every time he opens his mouth...
If randy removes me from his forum that proves everything to me. He is a hit and run kind of guy. If he had such a problem with me he should have worked it out right there. He could have used his words like I tell my kids and talked it over. Instead he didn't want to work with me and ran to his little web forum and personally attacked me. How do you think you would have felt. I'm not a bad guy. I just don't bow down to money.

Wingman - No one has ever been banned from this site for disagreeing with me. One was banned for posting porn and some have been warned about language. Censorship on this site is not what you find on most, as it is my belief that we are all grown ups and can have differences.

So, you have no need to worry about getting removed from the site, so long as your language is appropriate, which in one post, it is not.

As far as me being a hit and run kind of guy, think what you want.

As far as working it out right there, I guess we did work it out. You decided where you were going to plant yourself and made it very clear what your plan was. I decided to move on.

Funny that you say "he didn't want to work with me." If I recall correctly, and looking at the footage we recorded, I came down and asked you what your plan was. Seemed pretty clear that working anything out with you only left options that didn't conflict with your intent to shoot a bull you had your eye on.

I film tons of hunts on public land, and have no problem with other hunters. That is part of hunting public land. We all have the same right to be there. We all have a choice on how we interact with other hunters.

I decided that I would move on, and did. You had the same option, but made it very clear that you had no intention of doing that, so one of us had to blink. I was willing to blink. I thought that was the end of it.

If you read any of the live hunt posts on this site, you will see that I record everything that might make the episode. In this instance, it was two hunters whose behavior I found to be less than respectful when measured by the standards of most hunters I interact with.

There was no mention of you specifically. You came here and identified yourself. It went downhill from there.

I only mentioned the behavior of two hunters. What I mentioned was exactly what happened. You can disagree with my impressions of that, but I suspect if you were set up there for a couple days, I saw you were glassing bulls the night before season, and then I came in and dropped myself down below your shooting lane even though I knew you were set up in that area, the discussion would have been different from your perspective.

Be all of that what it is, I have not personally attacked you in any post. That you identified yourself as the person I referred to as having little respect for fellow hunters, is not something I did. That is something you did.

How you interact with others on this site is up to you.

You are welcome to post here, all you want. My number is in the Bozeman phone book. If you want to call me and tell me what is on your mind, look me up. Or, send me a PM.

You obviously hunt a lot, as do most guys on this site. I suspect you could have some useful discussions with fellow hard core hunters. Hopefully that is how it evolves.

Until then, post away. Just keep the language above board.
Quote from Wingnut................."I'm not saying this is a big bull but with 17 " fronts, 18" g3 and 18".g4 I would say that it Is most Likly bigger than most of your bulls from mt. If your going to nag on a bull you better have at least 10 bigger than it."

Dammit i really hate guys that always have to one up ya.....

But to answer your comment..........yep i do, so i guess i can comment.
And also, you are correct, it is likely bigger than MOST of my Montana bulls. And do give a crap, uh no.

And against my better judgement i'm gonna throw up my one up ya statement..........go try and shoot that same caliber of a bull with a 2 month old baby in your pack and a first time elk hunter.............

Ok, I'm done argueing with you wingnut, just had to respond to your last comment to me.

Now we can start over as you suggest:D
I wish FWP would use some of their, I mean our money, to catch some of these huge city deer and relocate them.
message removed by author

Thought better of it after reading Big Fin's post.

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Well as long as the wingman incident is still going on I just wanted to say I knew about that spot long before wingman ever flew over it. I always thought it would be a great adventure to get to it some day and thought the guys that do are some real lucky suckers. I even remember when there were no elk there, but big mule deer trophies. I'm glad some great outdoor adventures were had on there and Randy, I'm calling first in line to buy your episode when it comes out.
Quite the buck, hope FWP is able to nail the guy if things are as they say.
Hey wingdude, please do your own thing, start your own site and stay there so we dont have to continue hearing you cry and moan about what a victim you are.

Even better yet, if FWP would just impose some extremely stiff penalties that would make people think twice about it, that would help.

So many stupid azz poachers end up getting off so easy for crap like this. They need to take the guys hunting privs. for life. Maybe if they actually started doing this to a few people, that would be stiff enough that other guys would finally find that it isn't worth it to poach it.

Maybe they could cut his fingers off and that way it would be slightly more difficult for him to draw his bow to poach another one:):)

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