Caribou Gear Tarp

Anybody ever eat ground squirrel?

Poke 'Em

Well-known member
Oct 9, 2013
I was camping last weekend and there were a ton of ground squirrels all around. It made me get to thinking that while I've never heard of anybody eating ground squirrel, I see no reason to expect them not to taste good. I'll probably shoot a couple next time out and cook them up in a stew or something. Anybody else ever had one?
....not yet anyway. I do think I had rat on bamboo ,too dark for duck. Spiced
Just south of Boise we were having problems with the ground squirrels carrying the plague so you might want to check with your local CDC before indulging yourself with some of that good old "Montana Ground Squirrel Stew ".
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I see people say that all the time, but why? For all you know, it's the best damn thing you never tasted.

"I, also, thought they carried plague. Be careful!"

My guess is bubonic. Bon apetite :)

ps: you're right, I don't know and don't care to know...
When we were little my brother and I would snare them and feed them to our Chesapeake. She would eat them whole, in two or three bites. Shortly after, she'd barf.

Last weekend my brother and I shot a few rockchucks and we discussed eating them. They are cool critters, but I don't know about eating them. I'd definitely make sure the meat was well-done.


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Never have tried ground squirrel, probably won't unless I get real hungry. However, when I was in Peru, we did eat a lot of 'cuy' and I really liked it - here we call them guinea pigs and even pets, Peruvians just call them lunch.
They taste just fine. Legs are super stringy and chewy but the mini backstraps are great! I will say though that it is a lot of work for the small amount of meat you get.
Wow! This thread takes me waaaayyyy back... to when we had a ridiculously long descussion on "Roasted Fluffy" (Rats). 10, 11, 14 yrs ago?

I know Paws was in on it, and Moosie, if I'm not mistaken. Schmalts??? TNCB ???

I tried to search my past posts, but they weren't there anymore. Damn shame. Some of those originals were pretty d@mn smokin !
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