Caribou Gear

Any1 yoters with some stories?


New member
Apr 19, 2001
I got 1.........
One day my uncle and I went out hunting with some of my uncles friends...We started a track with our best dog abe
he took the track good. We where afgter it for a couple of hours then he lost it {on a snomobile trail} My uncles friend WENT PAST IT 3 TIMES!!!!! before my uncle and I found it!!!!{we gave him a heck of a hard time! :D}
Then we put dogs and dogs on it {and my uncle said "this one is a gonner"} Our dog fell way behind so we had to get way out of the hunt and pick up the dog {the dog was abe and he was tired from the 2 hour run before} and we picked him up and thought we were out of the hunt and bang! we almost nailed the yote runnin in the road....I jumped out of the truck {with my trusty 410} and was shakin {since this was my 1st shot @ a yote} and bang nailed him in the butt ;) and by then we had dogs on him and cuaght him in another 5 minutes......AND MAN WAS I PROUD!! :D :D :D....
Thats just a story of my 1st {kinda} yote i shot..
Great story !!! Sounds like your hunting in Wi must be like it is here in new england.Those yotes know to go right for those trails dont they? We try and post shooters at different intersections to try and force them back in the woods.I have many times seen where the coyote hits a packed snowmachine trail and runs 5 or 6 miles on it.If you have enough people we sometimes send one guy racing down the trail just to try and turn the yote back off the trail.then we catch up and turn dogs out again.It sure is a lot of fun isnt it?
Hounderkid-Great story and I am sure it wont be your last. I used to run coyotes with greyhounds when I was a kid, but havent done it with hounds. We chase em down with snowmoblies here. Would like to get into the hound scene chasing them sometime tho, real soon. I think it would be a kick. Do ya have a picture of your first one? bcat
great story hound kid ! i also have yote hounds here in northern maine. we ran the pants off one yesterday but he slipped out on us. will be going again monday. we have a few good baits out and they are still hitting them. love to have spring but wish we had about 18 inches of snow to slow em up a little.

good luck bearbait
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