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Any GOT Viewers Here...

Book reader here.
As for the show- like a lot of people- thought the first three seasons were great- about as well made as could be. But... that was because they had the books. Seasons 4&5 both had great moments- but again, those were from the books. Anything that was made for the show has just been bad. I think the casting of the show was fantastic- even characters they completely altered from the books worked great. Cinematography and directing have been great. It is just the writing and character arcs that have been killing me- just too...Hollywood/bleh/predictable. This last season, while visually appealing at times, has been unimpressive. They are hurrying to wrap up an epic tale, and it shows. Seven seasons of build up on the long winter and the white walkers- and that is what we got? Really? Disappointed.
Who here has been watching this from the beginning? I began binge viewing in April....I thought the first four seasons were extremely well done. By then it doesn't matter how the character development and storyline drops're hooked.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.

Who here has been watching this from the beginning? I began binge viewing in April....I thought the first four seasons were extremely well done. By then it doesn't matter how the character development and storyline drops're hooked.
I’ve been watching since the beginning. I haven’t read the books and have been very careful reading stuff online. The shock value of this show is what hooked me. I might go back and read the books once it’s over.
Who here has been watching this from the beginning? I began binge viewing in April....I thought the first four seasons were extremely well done. By then it doesn't matter how the character development and storyline drops're hooked.
I have been watching since the beginning because I read the books.
Read the books first, watching the series since season 1 episode 1, and I believe Sansa will sit on the throne at the end.
I read the books as well, years before there was any thought of a tv show. I will say even if you have watched the show the books are far more detailed and entertaining. Still waiting for the last two, though it will be interesting how they will differ from the tv show since they were written before the tv show had to come up with it's own ending.
I think I read the first four books in 2005-6, A Feast for Crows had just come out. Martin, too, has lost whatever it was that made the first three books great. Whether his ideas have petered out or have become unfocused, I don't know. The middle two were ok, but the story was so tight and engrossing through the first three. He originally wanted to do a 5-year time jump, but decided against it and tried to muddle through, and I think it ultimately cost him his creativity and vision. The first three took 6-ish years to write, the middle two took 11 years and the sixth book is well into 8+ years. Whatever inspired the storm of writing for the first three books is gone - he might pick it back up for the last one once he is satisfied and has everything in place to finish it off.

The show is the show, it'll never be as detailed as a book, there are just too many competing interests and the headaches of schedules, budgets, and 6-700 employees. The show hit a slide in quality at the same time as the story in the books did. I've made my peace with the show. The showrunners took a pile of problems that Martin has beating his head against a wall over for two decades and made something that is entertaining and successful, but not perfect in under three years. I'm OK with that. I'm not sure Martin can make the end as good as the first three, if could have, he would have done so already, or at least not have so many issues with it.
Oddly, I thought the final episode did about as good as it could have given how difficult it was to wrap everything up after the events of episode 5. The Bran the Broken thing would have made more sense if they had done a better job developing his character in season 7 and 8.

I think I read the first four books in 2005-6, A Feast for Crows had just come out. Martin, too, has lost whatever it was that made the first three books great. Whether his ideas have petered out or have become unfocused, I don't know. The middle two were ok, but the story was so tight and engrossing through the first three. He originally wanted to do a 5-year time jump, but decided against it and tried to muddle through, and I think it ultimately cost him his creativity and vision. The first three took 6-ish years to write, the middle two took 11 years and the sixth book is well into 8+ years. Whatever inspired the storm of writing for the first three books is gone - he might pick it back up for the last one once he is satisfied and has everything in place to finish it off.

The show is the show, it'll never be as detailed as a book, there are just too many competing interests and the headaches of schedules, budgets, and 6-700 employees. The show hit a slide in quality at the same time as the story in the books did. I've made my peace with the show. The showrunners took a pile of problems that Martin has beating his head against a wall over for two decades and made something that is entertaining and successful, but not perfect in under three years. I'm OK with that. I'm not sure Martin can make the end as good as the first three, if could have, he would have done so already, or at least not have so many issues with it.

There's a lot of truth here. I didn't think the quality decrease in books 4 and 5 was as steep as the TV show but he may have the same problem finishing that the show had. I still have hope it will work better than the show if he lives to finish it.

Quick question, other than causing tension with Dany and gaining the trust of the dragons, would the story be any different if Jon Snow really was a bastard and not a Targaryen? If "No", do you think that was the point?
I was pretty disappointed but then again I didnt really want to show to end. Of all of the crap that is played out and stays on TV for way to long this was one series where I felt they they were ending it prematurely. Im sure the production of this show was astronomical especially after its success just to rehire the cast and it was just no longer feasible to make along with running out of written material.

So does JS abandon the watch and just go to live north of the wall?
Very meh with too many "you gotta be shittin' me" moments, the low comedy counsel chamber fade out akin to current events...

...on the other hand, Sansa turned out to be gorgeous.
I really hope there is some spin offs. Definitely a lot of unanswered questions.

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