Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Any Fin Goes - Fish & Fishing Conservation Stories

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
We are launching Season 2 of our fishing conservation series titled, Any Fin Goes.

It features Marcus and Michael traveling to parts of Montana to talk about fish, fishing, and how humans have altered our waterways in so many different manners that non-natives often have an advantage over the native species.

The guys have put a ton of time into these episodes. Last year, they were some of our highest quality work. And unfortunately, when you talk a lot about conservation and human impacts, the content gets only a fraction of views that a "shoot 'em up" video would get. This series checks a lot of boxes for the foundational content principles we have. With that commitment, Season 2 was approved and here it it.

In this episode (1 of 3) they travel to Fort Peck for some ice fishing and then to Flathead for some open water fishing. The species being sought is that invasive predator; Lake Trout (Mackinaw for some of you).

Watched these episodes last week on + channel, I enjoyed and was very informative at least from my perspective of not knowing jack about Montana fishing. There sure is a whole lot more to the whole overall picture I'm guessing many are unaware of. Marcus and Michael have done some good homework to share in the story content.
@Big Fin Season 3 should be pre-approved!
@Big Fin Season 3 should be pre-approved!
Thanks for the feedback. These episodes are a serious imposition on their summer activities. All totaled, it takes about a month of time for each episode, from planning, researching, scripting, shooting, editing, reviewing. They are currently pondering if they want to keep doing it.
Thanks for sharing. That was fun to watch. Marcus narrated well and I absolutely love watching both of those guys, they’re a riot! When they started getting into em on flathead, it made me smile too and get excited for them-just as much as they were excited to hook into one.

It’s hard not to indulge in the outdoors content (as discussed in other threads) when it’s as genuine and informative as this. It really is great content with a positive message
Thanks for the feedback. These episodes are a serious imposition on their summer activities. All totaled, it takes about a month of time for each episode, from planning, researching, scripting, shooting, editing, reviewing. They are currently pondering if they want to keep doing it.
They do a good job on them, it’s refreshing to see something besides hunting and the same old application videos.
I enjoyed it- I fish more than I hunt, have that unused biology degree, and love seeing the history and trajectory of fisheries- whether I’ll ever fish them or not. The cooking is pretty great, too.

Been watching on YouTube, since I can’t figure out getting the Fresh Tracks app on my smart TV. Need to figure that out…
Thanks for the feedback. These episodes are a serious imposition on their summer activities. All totaled, it takes about a month of time for each episode, from planning, researching, scripting, shooting, editing, reviewing. They are currently pondering if they want to keep doing it.
Too bad they don't have access to a bigger boat... ;) I enjoyed the episode, but I'd watch pretty much anything with Michael in it-he's pretty entertaining.

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