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Any body see the Bozeman Daily Chronicle this morning?

Yes, indeed, I saw it with Randy mentioned in the first paragraph and then summing things up very nicely at the end of the article!
I am hoping that with Randy's credibility, more people will see the viability of future wild bison hunting on Montana's public lands and also thankful that he testified at HB 312, opposing the Test and Slaughter bill. I especially appreciated his emphasis on working with stockgrowers. Lundquist's article stated, "Livestock producers spoke in support, but opponents dominated the hearing, objecting to several items but mostly to the focus on disease testing." This is not correct on several points. Livestock owners did not only speak in support. 3 livestock owners spoke against HB 312. John Scully, Madison Valley rancher; Becky Weed, owner Thirteen Mile Lamb and Wool Company and John C. Anderson, Ruby Dell Ranch in Alder (who could not attend and sent a letter, which was read by Mark Alrecht during the hearing) spoke out against HB 312. And this is very important to note, showing the co-operating efforts of many that don't want to see Montana's elk slaughtered. Hearing Article with Randy's testimony.

Also, it wasnt "disease testing" that the opponents objected to, but the massive slaughtering that would follow. Likewise, there was a very dominant theme of the Elk Brucellosis Working Groups dealing with this situation, and the diversity of these groups co-operating together.
An excellent article.

Hunters have an ally in the tribes on several issues.

Crazy is just getting ramped up at the legislature, and it's going to take all folks pushing to ensure we don't loose out access funding, wildlife conservation ethic and our opportunity.

What happened during the hearing for HB 312 as well as SB 143 was epic, and i don't think that the alliance between hunters and tribes can be highlighted enough.
I might as well scoop Ben. I just saw a note that the elk bill HB 312 was tabled by its author on Tuesday. :)
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