NEW SITKA Ambient 75


Ben Lamb

Well-known member
Aug 6, 2010
Cedar, MI
HB 440 had a hearing in Appropriations today.

The bill would take $1.25 million out of Habitat Montana and put into a new program that duplicates an existing program called Access Montana. Access Montana has a surplus of over $300,000 in it because the demand for easements that are exclusively used to open public lands isn't there.

Access Montana was created using the Come Home to Hunt license dollars. It's goal is the exact same as HB 440, which is to provide access easments on private property. Landowners have had the opportunity to get any easment they have wanted over the last few years and the routinely choose Conservation Easments because they make more economic sense.

HB 440 is really about stripping the funding from the program that allows FWP to purchase land and creating the optics of increasing access when in reality it won't. It's a little schizophrenic.

Call 406-444-4800 and say no to HB 440. You can also email them at:
This is what HB440 bill says:
(3) Eighty FIFTY-FIVE percent of the money allocated by this section, together with the interest and income
2 from the money, must be used to secure wildlife habitat pursuant to 87-1-209 SECURE WILDLIFE HABITAT PURSUANT
3 TO 87-1-209.
5 INCOME FROM THE MONEY, MUST BE USED TO negotiate and procure hunting access easements across private lands
6 to adjoining public lands that are identified by the department as priority lands in need of public access. The
7 amount of money from the sale of each hunting license or permit specified in subsection (1) ALLOCATED BY THIS
8 SUBSECTION must be deposited in the account provided for in [section 1].
9 (4)(5) Twenty percent of the money allocated by this section must be used as follows:
10 (a) up to 50% a year may be used for development and maintenance of real property used for wildlife
11 habitat; and
12 (b) the remainder and any money not allocated for development and maintenance under subsection
13 (4)(a) (5)(A) by the end of each odd-numbered fiscal year must be credited to the account created by 87-1-601(5)
14 for use in the manner prescribed for the development and maintenance of real property used for wildlife habitat."
Thanks for bringing this to our attention Ben.

This type of tactic must be a bit more difficult to counter. To the "average joe/jane hunter" (I fit in this group) I would think HB440 to be reasonable to support. A quick glance/review fits that, "Hey, reallocating to assist in easement access? Sounds good to me..."

Though with assist from those involved in the political setting - I would know little about another program doing the same and this hb is more to enter and fleece.

Cheers for your time Ben.