Yeti GOBOX Collection

Antelope bind ideas


New member
Feb 21, 2017
Northern Utah
Looks like the will be once again hunting archery antelope in Utah. I don't typically use pop up blinds. I almost always use a homemade pit blind. I have been using a particular style for about 10 years and I am just looking for some new ideas. I have a few in my head but I am curious what everyone else uses and if any are similar to what I had in mind. Please post pics of your go to set up? Thanks!
The best kind are truly "blinds". That is, the antelope can't really tell anything is out of place. The best one I had was a popup next to a windmill. There was enough stuff around they just didn't pay it any attention. One other good one was my popup next to a cut bank that was about as tall as the blind. The antelope couldn't see it from afar, and once they got down to water they figured they were safe. I've set popups out in the open, barren country and killed a few that way but it doesn't work nearly as well as if it's truly a "blind".
I have an old piece of military camo net. I built myself some supports to sit on the ground under it. From a distance it looks like sagebrush. I have had antelope walk 10 feet from me and not know I was there.