Yeti GOBOX Collection

Another Native vs. Transplant Montanan Conflict.....

Wow, it amazes me that hunters would question trapping.

It amazes me how any hunter, or firearm owner for that matter, would question the NRA.....(See Buzz's 11:00 am post). A man without a firearm is as weak as they come......just ask the jews from 1940's Europe. Firearms were also the key to liberty in this country. The NRA fights for our guns every day, and while I don't think a black helicpoter is going to swoop down on my house any moment because of a 30 round mag in my closet, you are naive if you think it can't happen someday. you know if Bud is still kicking? He's got to be near a hundred now. Last time I saw him wasin 02' I think it was and he was at least 90. He was milling lumber on his home sawmill and was still cruising timber...

The Lochsa story is Great!

Trapping is cool... Like NEMT says... its fun.. the little bit of trapping I've done has been purely recreational. Although, with prime bobby hides at 600-1000 bones I may consider a slight shift in motivation...

As far as I know Bud is still kicking and still running his mill...I know he's well into his 90's.
What do You Think?

Native or transplant..........

Letters to the Editor
Dogs the better choice over trappers
Would I choose the company of a dog that loves wilderness for its freedom, beauty, excitement and adventure, or would I choose the company of a trapper who indiscriminately and inhumanely terrorizes wilderness? I would choose the company of a dog.

Would I respect a dog that represses his instincts and can be with lesser animals without harming them, or would I respect a trapper who uses his higher intelligence and abilities to maim, mutilate, torture and kill lesser creatures? I would respect the dog.

Would I hope for peace at the end of this life’s journey for an animal that died a terrifying death in a trap, or would I hope for peace for a trapper? I would hope for peace for the animal.
John Ruther, Hamilton
REALLY pisses me off to see the arrogant self righteous pointing their hatred at someone based on the license plate others are wearing.

Good folks in every state.
Real assholes in every state also.
Seems that some like to paint all Californians with the same brush, you know we are city slickers, babes in the woods that have no respect of property, that we litter, shoot roadsigns, waste game, mistake cattle for deer or elk, leave gates open...blah...blah....blah .

Seems I'm always defending myself as a Californian and from who?
I like where I live.
I'm out in the country 20 miles from town.
I have bucks & turkeys in my yard and hunt good country 5 minutes from my house.
I can take two bucks a year.
I have incredible fishing .
Best of all I have an income that allows me to apply for tags in all the states I care to hunt.

I have raised my kid in a conservative outdoor lifestyle where he respects others and their possesions and property, and he has a deep passion for wildlife and the outdoors, he is our future as sportsmen.

I always hear about the " repressoion that we Californians are under....WTF?

I miss trapping, but Colorado banned it too.
That musta been the Californians that relocated there huh.
Yeah, we got lion problems cuz of the urban dwelling electorate, but it ain't no different than the wolf problems in the rockies.

Funny thing.

I had a party at my home several years ago.
The men migrated to my trophy room to share stories and a few cocktails.

One dude's wife entered the room and made a smarmy remark about all of the "disgusting" dead animals hanging on the wall.

The beotch's husband appologizes for his lefty wife and finishes the statement with "and to think she is a third generation Montanan" while shaking his head.
Suppose I ought to hate all Monatanans for that.
Yeah right.

The pain country folk feel is simply from an enlarging population and the urbanites spreading their culture into rural areas.
Painful at times, but it ain't going to get any better with time.
Our grandfathers were bitching about it way back when.

I have a friend that does a little trapping and have always admired his lifestyle.




I fit in with him just fine, but not with some some of the SERIOUS mountain men that inhabit the message board jungle.

Guess it don't matter how much hot air I blow, Lotsa hard heads out there that just don't realize that we're on the same side.

Rant Off
Good post, HH. I do no tlive in the country now, but when I grew up in So Cal, there was plenty of it around. I am fortunate enough to have found a group of like-minded family men in a club that has shooting facilities in the city and a few hundred acres adjoining the Las Padres National Forest, so my son can experience an outdoor lifestyle unknown to most of his friends.

When retirement time finally arrives, I will leave So Cal - probably for New Mexico.

JC -

you don't believe hunting/trapping should be used as a management tool.
you don't believe hunting/trapping should be used commercially.
you don't believe hunting/trapping should be done just for the love of it.

Why do you hunt? I'm just curious.

I hunt because I love being outside. There is an adrenaline thrill when I have a chance to shoot my quarry - no question. I love being able to breathe the mountain air or drink in the beauty of the wide open desert. It is fun. It's legal. Wild game tastes better and is healthier than any other kind of meat. Matching wits with wild animals is thrilling - if you've ever put a stalk on a buck or bugled in a bull, I think you'd have to agree. I'm not completely against all your views...I can't stand the misuse of ATVs, for one, but all the reasons I hunt seem like they'd be fulfilled with trapping, too. I don't trap, and I never have, and likely never will because I don't have the time for it - but I like hunting, and I can certainly see the thrill in trapping. Maybe I'm wrong, but I was brought up with such a passion for hunting, I haven't ever thought about why I hunt beyond the fact I enjoy the heck out of the beauty in nature, the companionship of friends/family, and the thrill of the actual hunt. I love this life.
Well, I can't just say that without knowin' the guy - I mean he must live near me somewhere since he names many of the same places I frequent - Payette River, Snake River below Hell's Canyon Dam. I would just like to know why the fella hunts if it ain't fer any of the reasons listed.
Well, I can't just say that without knowin' the guy - I mean he must live near me somewhere since he names many of the same places I frequent - Payette River, Snake River below Hell's Canyon Dam. I would just like to know why the fella hunts if it ain't fer any of the reasons listed.


Most of the reasons you mentioned for hunting are the same ones that I would claim. Don't think there is a big difference on why we hunt.

But, on trapping, I don't understand the reason for it. I asked this at the first of the thread, and although I took heat, I haven't seen anybody who could answer why we allow the indiscriminate killing of animals for industrial purposes.

The owner of the dog believes so....:(

Buzz, I am willing to be edjumacated, but I don't see the purpose of trapping. I don't wear muskrat coats. The only beaver I like has two legs. I can't see myself wearing otter or mink...

I don't like the commercial harvest of wildlife for industrial purposes.

Why should trapping be allowed in the 21st century?

I haven't quite seen a good "population control" argument made for trapping. I haven't seen a good "the meat is healthy" argument made for trapping.

We don't allow "market gunning" to control our waterfowl populations. We don't allow the meat to be sold on big game animals. etc.. etc...

The only "good" reasons seem to be for enjoyment of being outdoors and trying to match wits with a rodent of the trapper. That is all fine and dandy, but I don't think hunters should spend a lot of the remaining "goodwill" that hunters have accumulated for the benefit of the trapping community.

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