Another 800+ pounder!

Iron Buck

New member
Dec 27, 2003
Pittsburgh ,PA
Here is a pic of an 864 pound black bear. This pic is of better quality. It shows the size better.............another tough drag with this monster


This picture was cut off when it was sent to me....but still shows ONE BIG HEAD!


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-07-2004 21:15: Message edited by: Iron Buck ]</font>

Of the (3) 800+ pound bears that were taken in PA this year, none were listed as "problem" bears. Bears that hit dumpsters...... AS far as I know we do not have dump sites, like those seen in Churchill Alaska that the Polar bears hit. We ship our trash to Jersey LOL! The problem bears in PA are the ones that hit garbage cans and dumpsters. These are usually trapped by the Game Commisssion and then relocated back to a more remote area.

Most of the BIG bears get that way for a few reasons. First off, there is lots of food in PA, good mast crops, lots of deer (bears will go after fawns and road kills) Standing corn will attract them as well. Big bears tend to be older bears. They live in the thick pines, large swamps of steep rugged mountains in the laural.....all places people HATE to go. So the bears get big & old. Some over 25+ years.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-09-2004 14:01: Message edited by: Iron Buck ]</font>
Casey- I like your title!!!
Took a sec, but I got it. I'm guessing one like that would be worthy of a belly flop off the bridge???

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-09-2004 12:08: Message edited by: 1_pointer ]</font>
That brings up another issure Iron Buck. How the hell do you get an 800 pound bear out of the woods?? I guess they must have been close to roads. I've helped drag a couple hundred bears out of the woods, but never one over 350 pounds. With like 5 grown men, those 200-300 pounders are absolutely miserable to drag through the woods!! Especially with no snow. My guess is that it would take 10 guys and a specially rigged pulling aparatus to get a bear that big out of the woods, and that wouldn't be uphill!

That is a huge bear!

You are not kidding about these things being tough to get out of the woods. And they make us take them out whole so they can weigh them at the check staions. I posted a pic on one of these threads (400 pounders are for sissies) showing a couple of the bears we took this year. The biggest one was just over 400 pounds. And it took 8 of us more than 2 hours to get that pig to an area we could get a truck into. I'd have swore that bear was at leats 600 pounds after that ordeal
I asked a game warden at the check station what these guys do that get the REAL BIG ONES. He said they head to the nearest town/bar/ check station etc. and say they have a monster.........and get lots of willing voluntiers that want to help get it out. Everyone wants to be part of the show when a big one goes down. Sometimes going as far as cutting in access roads with chain saws so 4 wheelers can be used
(not really legal) But is a real bitch to get them out. I wish they would fall close to roads. But more often than not, this is not the case.

I may hunt the North East part of PA next fall. This is where most all the 700-800+ pounders come from. We have tons of public land in PA so access is not a problem. Getting enough guys together that can commit to the full 3 days so drives are successful is the hard part. This year we were down to 6 guys by the 3rd and last day. But that is when we took the 400 pounder
So it can be done with less.
Yep, its dang tough.

So you guys put drives on them eh? That sounds cool. Too they wouldn't have like a 1 day dog season there. That would be cool!
Hunting bears with dogs would be awesome
Maybe some day I will hunt where this is allowed. I doubt they will ever let us do this here in PA. The animal rights fanatics would come out of the wood work against it
I am hoping they will give us a bow season for bears.....maybe over bait. But this is hoping for alot.
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