announcing a future HT star


Active member
Jul 31, 2012
Great Falls, MT
I am pleased and happy to announce that in conjunction to TLC's family arrival, a new addition to the Deer Slayer family will be making a debut in mid to late December this year. My wife and I are very excited and truly blessed to be having a winter chicken! The doctor just gave us the all clear for any kind of early miscarry issues that can sometimes occur so we are thanking God and sharing with the world. Any wise and much needed parenting advice is surely welcomed as I plan to attempt at parenting a future wild child (Given my own past and how crazy I was)!

Great news for you and wife.

We used Gary Ezzo's book "Growing Kid's God's Way" as a reference. Sign language for kids is wondrous for communication before they can speak.
Great!! It goes quick so always try to remember (even when they are being a pain in the ass) what a gift they are and how much richer your life is. Easier said than done sometimes but try. I have a couple of pics of me holding my two while they were sleeping as babies that are my favorite moments to remember. 16 and 10 now...... :)
Big congrats! I love being a dad, two boys 4 and 14. Ditto about patience and time flying by.

Here's to a healthy wife and baby!

I'll echo what kansasdad said about the sign language, it has worked great for us.
Congrats and awesome photo! Best advice I can give is to hug em often and cherish everything and every moment. Time goes in the blink of an eye! Oh....and never change a diaper with your mouth open.

My advice is to keep them away from electronics and get them outside. We made the mistake of buying our kids a WII and tablets. It really easy to use these things as babysitters but it changes them. Teach your kid to climb trees, jump on the tramp, ski/snowboard, shoot guns, ride a bike, build things, get into trouble and of course fish and hunt.
Congrats to you both! I have complete understanding on the fear and trepidation of being past the miscarry. My wife and I had one between kids #2 and #3. Not easy news to take.

My advice, take everyone's advice with a grain of salt(including mine). You'll learn how to raise your kids by just spending time with them. Everyone's kids are different and you can't raise 2 the same, at least that's my experience with 4 of my own.
Congrats! Advice for a new parent...provide structure for the child. Try to stay within a 30 minute window for meals each day, playtime, bathe, bedtime, etc. Young kids crave a predictable, reliable pattern for those basic aspects adults leading a hectic life may not relate to the importance. Feed the kid 2 hours late or skip the bedtime story and all might seem well but then hours later or even the next day the wheels come off the cart. You will see the meltdown and then realize the trigger was usually a late meal, etc. Avoid bribery. Teach the child there is expected behavior and if the child fails to do there best to behave then you will be disappointed. If you say there will be a consequence then make sure there is in a timely manner or you will find yourself doing things like spending 20 minutes pleading for the kid to put on their shoes and make everyone miserable within a country mile. Ask them once firmly and in a calm voice. Parenting is challenging and rewarding so keep structure in place and be firm with expectations and clear about consequences then follow though. Congrats again.
Good for you! fowladdict is spot on. It goes by in the blink of an eye. Yesterday my little girl was 2 years old. On June 7th she graduates from high school. I"m probably gonna cry. mtmuley
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