And now a Eulogy.....

This place seems closer to Facebook everyday and I’ve never had one, only give my wife crap for being on it and all the other social media.
Hopefully being this close to hunting season will make it worthwhile to stick around. There’s always some really good write ups.
It really sucks that the guys who left did. I always enjoyed their contributions. I don’t blame them though, looks like a logical decision most days.
I’m totally outta the loop with the goings-on of this place.

Bummed to hear it, more than I thought I’d be, but I can understand it. Who reading this hasn’t thought to themselves that their lives, and potentially mental health, would be far improved if you just got off the Internet - that your very short life is flying by while you stare into the screens.

“The danger of civilization, of course, is that you will piss away your life on nonsense.” - Jim Harrison
Don’t fret all. We still can be blessed with the amazing contributions of @ismith @geewhiz and @DouglasR and a handful of other grade A contributors. They’ll definitely make up for the lack of calm, even, intelligent and productive insights

Doesn’t matter where ya live. Bunch of disrespectful pricks around here. YOU INCLUDED. Keep your judgement to yourself. Snide guy

Don't know the facts.
Some suggestion he got some private messages that were not friendly.
Any person who goes after another member via PM is a lowlife. That sort of behavior is unacceptable.
Grow a set, or take a chill pill...probably both.
Wlllm is a positive contributer to this site. He also is a very intelligent, articulate human. So you don't agree with his take....grow a set, take a chill pill.....its the internet.
I hope he comes back.

...."Keep your judgement to yourself" ...

....says the guy who PMs people to defend his buttbuddy....

Hah this place is a riot. He'll probably come back-habit and all. And maybe people will calm down, and maybe he'll grow a thicker skin too. Maybe both sides grow as well.

Either way, if people are that offended by words, they need to thicken up. Christ, can pack in x pounds y miles, buy my feelers are hurt over differing opinions or mean words from fake internet people

That's what the 90s called being a 'sissy'. Sticks and stones...

Fpn-usually the same people scared and hurt by words, are also the same people scared of objects. Little 1A/2A freedoms...but that's just from an anecdotal experience...which...I mean...well...
...."Keep your judgement to yourself" ...

....says the guy who PMs people to defend his buttbuddy....

Hah this place is a riot. He'll probably come back-habit and all. And maybe people will calm down, and maybe he'll grow a thicker skin too. Maybe both sides grow as well.

Either way, if people are that offended by words, they need to thicken up. Christ, can pack in x pounds y miles, buy my feelers are hurt over differing opinions or mean words from fake internet people

That's what the 90s called being a 'sissy'. Sticks and stones...

Fpn-usually the same people scared and hurt by words, are also the same people scared of objects. Little 1A/2A freedoms...but that's just from an anecdotal experience...which...I mean...well...
Says the biggest prick to show up on HT in quite a while...
Hey guys! so there’s a fat boy bear running around our hood tipping over industrial dumpsters. How about that? Should be nice and plump for winter.

Can we make it to September before poor Randy has to shut this place down?


i'm planning a full blown hunt recap, replete with pictures and narration that will blow your mind, of a three day wisconsin tree stand white tail hunt. saddle up.
I’m looking forward to it! Any hunt recap is welcome at this point. I don’t mind if it’s only from a treestand. I will only be hunting whitetails myself this fall so nothing crazy exciting but I will still post if I’m successful. Couldn’t fit a western hunt in this year unfortunately.
i'm planning a full blown hunt recap, replete with pictures and narration that will blow your mind, of a three day wisconsin tree stand white tail hunt. saddle up.
Randy’s bringing the whole fresh tracks crew for this one, right?
when i have my sudden morning bowel movement hit me like a cement truck at peak morning time in a tree stand.

Lived this many times. If you ever find yourself pondering the thought “I wonder if I should get down or wait a bit,” the answer is always now.

Also so you are aware: packs of wet wipes can and will freeze into a solid brick.
Randy’s bringing the whole fresh tracks crew for this one, right?
I always thought it would be cool if @Big Fin and the gang did a weekend in the Midwest in a state like Illinois where they could hunt deer, rabbit, pheasant, squirrels and turkey all in the same square mile on the same day, then hit the mtb trails for a quick rip on the mountain bikes with the kids when they get bored with hunting.