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Dec 6, 2003
So, Pete Rose in the Hall of Fame? What do ya think?
As for me, i say NO
His admitting to gambling on baseball comes 14 years to late.
I say in.....his induction into the Hall of Fame should be about his accomplishments while as a player....not his downfall as a manager.....If they never let him have anything else to do with baseball, thats fine....but to keep one of the best, if not the best, hitter in baseball out of the Hall of Fame would be a shame......look at some of the other dirt bags that are in the Hall or will be someday.....
Well, lets look at the standerds for "Haul of Famers"
Half of the guys in there have been busted for hard drugs, sexual assualt, D.U.I. and a host of other things.
Some of them have "banned for life" four or five times, then re-admitted because they were good players.
Pete Roses main crime was getting banned after his prime playing years.
Eather let him in or throw the others out.

( let he who is without sin cast the first stone )
You have to let him in, just based on his stats. i have met him and he is one arrogant asshole, and i would have kicked charlie hustle`s ass ,if not for one of his asst. coaches who was a friend of mine at the time[mid 80s]. but thats another story, anyway O.J. Simpson is a "murderer" but he was a great running back and he is in.
In every big league dugout there is a sign posted that says any manager who bet on baseball is banned for life. Why would Pete Rose risk it? He knew the penalty, regardless of his stats and great career he should not be allowed in. Betting on baseball by a manager goes to the integrity of the game. He knew it and lied for 14 years about. Why didn't he come clean without writing a book, which he will make money on. Why not hold a press conference and admit it and beg for forgiveness? I vote NO.
I say no, either you have a rule or you don't, no matter how good you were. If he's let it, I say Shoeless Joe Jackson should be given a reprieve also.
it really is a funny thing. pete rose has never been inducted in to the hall of fame, but there are more displays at cooperstown commemorating him than many of the people who were inducted. he may not get the plaque but his acievements are there
Is Ty Cobb in? How about Ted Williams? Reggie Jackson? Babe Ruth? Seems to me like maybe there might possibly be sevreral sets of rules defined as "opinion"!
Admission rules must be applied fairly, equally, and against a measurable standard; not someone's opinion.
Yo Tuffbucker; at first i agreed with you about separating player from manager and casting a ballot based soley on his accomplishments on the field. but then, please remember that he was alsoa player-coach. so he could have made decisions based on inside info.
Anaconda; do not remember who was banned for life a (couple of times) and then got in. please remind me who they were o.k?
Still gotta say No on getting in. to me its to little to late, and he sounds more desprate than sincere. Now don't get me wrong here, I happen to like the guy and watched him play for many years and i think he was just great. however, what message do we send our young athletes if they overlook his violations and let him in?
i think that we need to protect the integrity of the game at all times. His accomplishments will never go away, but i do not think they can be in the Hall of Fame.
I say in, with a full reinstatement! What the hell, baseball has no integrity anymore! Look at what free agency has done for it. Every year its a competition on who has the most bucks. The playoffs are decided before the season even starts! Besides he would make it more interesting or at least give us something else to talk about besides good old George!
I say Shoeless Joe Jackson should be in, and Charlie Hussle can be in posthumously later, but never in his lifetime.
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