Am I being ridiculous on pricing ammo for sale?

Ok, I'll be the one to question. We all like to make a little profit and generally, I don't have a problem with that. However, I do think it's at least worth a moment's thought about the current situation we're in with regard to ammo. I don't think it's realistic to think that increased production is going to solve the ammo crisis. Like the ones before it, it ends when people calm down and stop buying up everything they can find for higher-than-normal prices. One could make an argument that every time a box of ammo sells for 125% of market value, we extend this period of ammo/component shortages. Just food for thought. I've never been a good capitalist at heart.
What is market value? Buyers set the market. I don't get mad at anyone who is selling anything for more than they paid for it. Everytime you buy something more than likely you are paying more than they did. I just choose to buy at prices I consider reasonable. If someone is making a couple of bucks big deal. They took the time to find it purchase it and offer to sell it.
What is market value? Buyers set the market. I don't get mad at anyone who is selling anything for more than they paid for it. Everytime you buy something more than likely you are paying more than they did. I just choose to buy at prices I consider reasonable. If someone is making a couple of bucks big deal. They took the time to find it purchase it and offer to sell it.
Yeah, I don't think you need to lose sleep over it. But there is context to this market, right now. And that context is a massive shortage of ammo and components that is fueled (in part) by scalpers who buy up what they can and then sell for inflated prices. For me personally, I don't want to contribute to that. Are you really contributing to it, if that box of ammo has been in your safe for years...? Debatable. Worth 30 seconds of your thought, though... Best to you, either way.
You're not a manufacturer or distributor, it's not like you bought it for cost and are trying to make a profit of 100%. Price is more than reasonable right now. Anyone who tries to tell you you're gouging can pound sand, they should focus on the LGS trying to sell primers for $300/1k on Gunbroker.
I don't mind a man (person?) making a profit, but when profit becomes price gouging, count me out.

A buddy went to a gun show and found a much needed brick of large rifle primers.
The asking price?
As he walked away, the sea hag behind the table was screeching loudly, "You'll be back when you can't find them anywhere else!"
WRONG! He'd prefer nothing over highway robbery!

I don't abide a cheap skate that offers me half value of the goods on my table.
What's crazy is it's a lot cheaper to buy factory ammo right now than buying reloading supplies. I have used some stuff I've had for years to trade for stuff that I can use. I had 952 small pistol primers. I thought I wanted to reload 9mm 5 or 6 years ago. I loaded 48 and said it's not worth it. I traded those primers for large rifle. A few months ago.
This will never be settled. The people that hate the guy asking high prices, don’t realize that in a time of shortage, you can’t buy up anything that isn’t there to be bought, and then re-sell it. So if someone is selling something, they must have already had it.

If it is too high, it won’t sell, if it goes too fast, you may have been too low. Price it where you want, this is still America, at least for awhile...
This will never be settled. The people that hate the guy asking high prices, don’t realize that in a time of shortage, you can’t buy up anything that isn’t there to be bought, and then re-sell it. So if someone is selling something, they must have already had it.

If it is too high, it won’t sell, if it goes too fast, you may have been too low. Price it where you want, this is still America, at least for awhile...
Except it is there. There's lots of ammo being produced and components do show up from time to time. All you have to do is read the threads about the ammo shortage and you'll see people posting their lucky finds, or talking about their buddy who works in the gun shop who called them up and let them know when the primers were coming in, etc. When it arrives, people buy up as much as they can, much of it to be stockpiled, or sold for a profit. That's a big part of what is driving the shortage.

(To be clear, that's not what the OP seems to be doing here).
Except it is there. There's lots of ammo being produced and components do show up from time to time. All you have to do is read the threads about the ammo shortage and you'll see people posting their lucky finds, or talking about their buddy who works in the gun shop who called them up and let them know when the primers were coming in, etc. When it arrives, people buy up as much as they can, much of it to be stockpiled, or sold for a profit. That's a big part of what is driving the shortage.

(To be clear, that's not what the OP seems to be doing here).

I don’t know what honey hole you are talking about, but anything that shows up around here is severely limited and the stores won’t let you buy quantities. I was in a gun store in Helena yesterday and they had primers, but you could only buy primers if you were buying bullets and the bullets were few and rationed.
Thankful to have "over-bought" reloading stuff for most of my calibers ages ago. Do wish I could find some of the "newer" powders though.
$40 ammo, $3 tax and $7 shipping...that in no way seems overpriced to me. Usually if I'm looking on forums, Ebay, etc. for second hand items I'm not looking to pay msrp + tax & shipping , but if I can't get it anywhere else (including manufacturer), I think paying that is entirely reasonable.
If you worried about the perception of your exacerbation of the situation just dont sell it right now.
Most likely the proceeds of the sale either at the current inflated price or "normal" price will have no real bearing on your situation, as would just holding onto the box. Make it a non issue.

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