Aluminum Gun Case. Help !


New member
May 16, 2003
Ok fellas, help me out here. Im needing an aluminum gun case for airplane travel. Needs to be able to hold 2 scoped rifles side by side. I do not like them stacked on top of each other with a flimsy piece of foam between them. Good solid construction. Lockable (not some cheap combo latch like you see on a briefcase that can be popped with a screwdriver). Wheels are a bonus. Water proof/resistant is a bonus. Reasonable price would be appreciated. Need to be Airline aproved.
Im looking for first hand experience here. I can do a search and find a bunch to choose from. But unless I have it inmy hands and have traveled with it, it's nothing more than a picture on a computer screen to me.
If I had it to do over again I would go with the top of the line hard plastic ones. I bought a nice aluminum one about 6 years ago. When I got of off the plane and to baggage claim there was a huge dent in the corner of it. The guns were fine though so they are tough cases. I was just dissapointed in the way they beat the sh*t out of my stuff. I talked to Delta rep and they said, "are the contents O.K. sorry about the outside of it."
When I came home from Russia ,my bosses luggage was ripped open , the airline replaced it ,( thanks air canada for replacing ) no thanks for the rough handling ( and loosing mine from toronto to winnipeg ) |oo

You get what you pay for most times , Is there a Cabellas neer you ? Like you I have to see and feel the product sometimes to get a good idea what its durability is .
For my money Storm Case looks like the best. Strong polymer, lockable, o-ring sealed. Think they even have a purge valve feature and wheels on some models.
Crapshoot.....I have traveled extensively with a four rifle gun case made by Americase for over 15 years. Airlines, UPS, FedEx, pickup truck, mule train, and am very pleased with it. The locks are a little sturdier than most with both combo and key latch. I had three straps made to fit around the case that I could lock with padlocks and have never had a problem with it. I am very pleased. In fact I am considering getting a two rifle case because of the weight of a four rifle case loaded with rifles and ammo is right at 90 lbs. Good luck in your search!

I have used this for about 4 years. It's really tough, has wheels, has a great locking system, you can pack other gear in it to protect your firearms, and 3 out of 4 years people thought it contained golf clubs. It may be less likely to be stolen, if people don't think a gun is inside. Let me know if you have more questions.
The Cabelas "Bullet Proof" aluminum cases are great. I purchased my first one a number of years ago after reading a "Gun Tests" article that ranked them #1. I've got a 2 gun case with a luggage carry that's perfect for most trips--fully weld corners rather than rivets. It can take a beating.
The Cabelas "Bullet Proof" aluminum case is one that I was seriously looking at and may still go that route. Im tending to lean in another direction though. I am seriously looking at the Pellican 1750 case. The measurements look about similar to those alluminum ones I have been looking at. I just want to make sure 2 scoped rifles will fit in there easily. Dont want the scopes , wood , or the barrels rubbing on the case or each other. Anyone know for sure?
Crapshoot, i wouldn't trust any double to inhibit contact unless it had some type of individual restraints (velcro loops), rifle cutouts in the foam, foam divider..or all three. I have a couple of double cases but only carry one rifle in each.

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