PEAX Equipment



New member
Jan 7, 2015
Central Idaho
My dad and I went hunting tis morning. Right at daylight, headed up the trail, dad says, wolf!! wolf!!, we start loading our guns, and getting set up, then another runs out through the timber. I am still loading my gun.I finaly get set up, the first one is over the hill, dad shoots before I am ready. I shoot at him on the run, the whole world lits up with the dog screaming. It is barely light enough to see, I can't tell where I hit him, he gets up and trys to get away, we shoot 7 more times(HIT 4 of them), I climb up the hill, he is laying there, still alive, I finish him off, at about 100 yards, looks really wolfey to me. I get up to him and it is the biggest coyote I have ever seen, a huge male. We admire him while I take a water break, aand stash him under a log. We continue up the trail to try and call for some wolves. We get to our destination, find a fresh kill, and lots of elk are up above us on point. We watch and listen. We start glassing, here comes a gray dog over the skyline.Wolf I whisper, Seeing agray dog gets the hert pumping, Its a coyote, I turn on the foxpro to pup distress, she comes in on a string. My dad shoots it a 260 yards head shot! I was impressed. Two almosts today. We return to the house at 11:00, check a few traps and also snared a nice red fox. My fourth this season. Overall it was a pretty good day even though we didn't kill any wolves!

Ha, I'm embarrassed to think of how many coyotes I've assigned as wolves at first glance. Looks like an awesome day, thanks for sharing and keep after them!
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