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Allow Me To Introduce You to Dr. Kathryn Allen; Send Her Some $$$ to Stop Chaffetz


New member
Feb 26, 2003
South of the Border
For everyone wondering how you stop Jason Chaffetz, the biggest coward in DC, and his attempts to transfer My Public Lands to the State of Utah and eventually to the Koch Brothers, here is your chance.

Dr. Kathie Allen has now announced she is going to run against Chaffetz, in an attempt to unseat him. She has already came out in support of Federal ownership of My Public Lands.

*National parks and monuments fulfill a unique niche wherein human beings can appreciate that they, too, are natural beings in a complex ecosystem. I do not accept the premise that we can “give lands back” to those who never owned them in the first place. From the evidence I have seen of how the State of Utah manages its public lands, I prefer that their stewardship remain under federal control. Like most Utahns, I was pleased by the designation of the Bears Ears National Monument, which is within the 3rd Congressional District.

There you have it. Somebody who on their first pass, provided the hunting community the correct answer on My Public Lands running against someone who remains committed to transferring My Public Lands to private interests.

Scratch her a check/donation. Even a small one, a $3, $5, $50 donation helps her at this point. She has to rent offices, she has to hire a treasurer, buy phones, set up websites, and create the structure that will allow her to hammer Chaffetz for the next 17 months.

Can she do it?? Who knows, but, if you care about My Public Lands, you care about helping her.

Donate at her CrowdPac Website:
Kathie Allen Crowdpac Funding Website

For reference, last night, she was at about $80k. 14 hours later she is at about $280k.
But I just listened to Cam Hanes sing kumbaya with him for an hour on a podcast...I think I could hear them "hugging it out".
Not sure how many more times I coulda listened to Cam say "I don't understand politics n stuff..."
Here is a link to her website for fundraising. My understanding that ActBlue is a bit more efficient in fees charged, as a way to get the money into her campaign coffers.

My CrowdPac page began to receive so much money that I called the FEC and they advised me to file my candidacy papers, which I did immedietely. Later, CrowdPac called me an explained that I had broken their record for the most money raised in 24 hours. This led to a series of interviews by the media culminating in Rachel Maddow devoting the last five minutes of her show to my campaign. She showed my photograph and asked if anyone recognized it. She concluded, “You will soon.” Rachel Maddow’s five minute segment has now generated even more momentum to my nascent campaign. Between my CrowdPac page and ActBlue site, I have raised over $250 K in small donations. But it will likely take millions to unseat such a formidible and entrenched Republican opponent as Chaffetz. Please help me do just that so that he can go play with his iPhone all day.
But I just listened to Cam Hanes sing kumbaya with him for an hour on a podcast...I think I could hear them "hugging it out".
Not sure how many more times I coulda listened to Cam say "I don't understand politics n stuff..."

If you remember on the Cam Hanes podcast, Chaffetz said the reason he had to pull HR 621 was not because of a change of heart and education on the transfer of My Public Lands, but he pulled it due to "poor communication and erroneous information being spread around".

His desire to transfer My Public Lands remains strong, just going to work on being able to sneak it past you when you quit paying attention.
Do you think a democrat has a shot at winning in Utah?

Is there a republican primary? I think a pro public lands republican would have a better chance of beating him.
Do you think a democrat has a shot at winning in Utah?

Is there a republican primary? I think a pro public lands republican would have a better chance of beating him.

Right now, probably a long shot. But, 3 months after Chaffetz won by a huge margin, he walked into an overflowing townhall of his constituents who were united in their opposition to him.

He then invoked the wrath of Hunters and Hikers with his HR621 and 622, which he had to pull back 621 under pressure from the rest of his House GOP as their phones rang off the hooks.

The State of Utah lost the Outdoor Retailers and $$$$$ due to his stance on Federal Lands, costing jobs and wealth to his own constituents.

Then, he went on CNN and said that poor people just need to give up thier $600 iPhone to pay for their $10,000 of health insurance each year in his "Let them eat cake" moment.

She definitely has an uphill task, but, she also has 17 months to hammer him daily, go have lunch with the Relief Society Ladies in Smalltown, Utah, and start winning hearts and minds.

Send her a bit of money, if you can. You only have your hunting spot to lose....
Do you think a democrat has a shot at winning in Utah?

Is there a republican primary? I think a pro public lands republican would have a better chance of beating him.

There is a Republican Primary in Utah. The primary process is embroiled in a prolonged battle being fought in the courts, legislature, and with a petition drive called Count My Vote.

I think you are likely correct that she has an uphill battle trying to win with a "D" next to her name and that a Republican has a better chance of unseating Chaffetz in the primary. With that said, I wish her all the luck and support.
Do you think a democrat has a shot at winning in Utah?

Is there a republican primary? I think a pro public lands republican would have a better chance of beating him.
Well you just never know, I mean I never thought Trump had a chance in hell of being Pres and look what the shit happened.
For everyone wondering how you stop Jason Chaffetz, the biggest coward in DC, and his attempts to transfer My Public Lands to the State of Utah and eventually to the Koch Brothers, here is your chance.

Dr. Kathie Allen has now announced she is going to run against Chaffetz, in an attempt to unseat him. She has already came out in support of Federal ownership of My Public Lands.

There you have it. Somebody who on their first pass, provided the hunting community the correct answer on My Public Lands running against someone who remains committed to transferring My Public Lands to private interests.

i don't buy it! "I prefer " doesn't say crap, if she was against the transfer she should just say so.
Then, he went on CNN and said that poor people just need to give up thier $600 iPhone to pay for their $10,000 of health insurance each year in his "Let them eat cake" moment.

You're right Jose, we the taxpayers should provide those for free...because Obama's flip phones aren't cool enough!

...but hopefully Chaffetz will be replaced by someone against public land transfer.
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Depends on where she is on issues bigger than PLT. We've had some good Democratic representatives; Jim Matheson, Bill Orton; however lately the democrats put forth unqualified and misaligned candidates.

Bill Orton pulled a miracle upset and is a testament for what Utah voters will do with the right candidate.
I don't know anything about politics in Utah but I don't see the Republican party backing another candidate attempting to unseat an incumbent unless there are some MAJOR issues. Given that land transfer is a part of the Republican party platform something tells me that they don't see Chaffetz as a problem.
I also listened to Chaffetz on Cams' podcast today at work and threw up a little. Chaffetz is such a tool and his explanation for moving forward on HR 622 is such a reach that Stretch Armstrong was even impressed. He kept bringing up that LEO for the forest service and BLM weren't local and didn't know the ins and outs of the area they're assigned to. He made it sound like all Federal LEO were a bunch of DC fat cats, when they're primarily local. Then he kept deflecting and blaming the Feds....News Flash Asshole you are the goddamn Feds!!!

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