All straight hard liquor is horrible

Can anyone actually look me in the eye and tell me that they crave a straight shot of whiskey, gin, vodka? Honestly, there isn't a single one that doesn't burn your throat and taste like one can only assume tastes like piss straight out of lucifers pecker. And yes, I've tasted it all from $5 a bottle trash to Pappy Van Winkle, it's all horrendous unless mixed. Give me a jack and coke any day
Yep. I only drink whiskey (Scotch, Bourbon, Canadian, Irish) straight up, no ice. I'm having 2 fingers of Titos vodka straight as I type, bacardi dark straight is good as is a decent brandy. I'm not much for mixed drinks and tequila is no bueno. If going light, a nice IPA or double IPA is on my list.
I have in my youth, stood shirtless in the sun on the banks of the river with a cigarette in my mouth. Too drunk to drive home but not too drunk to talk to children. In my hand, a cup of nothing but cold and cheap bourbon. And I have loved that bourbon, and I crave it now.

(this is me looking you in the eyes as I state this)

OK so you're saying every old school Western is wrong? Cowboy/gunfighter stumbels in to a saloon. After riding through the desert, lips peeling, and severely sunburnt face and hands...because the rest of his body is covered by a long-sleeved shirt and a leather or wool coat. Water..NO! Ice tea..NO! Beer...NOOOOO! He wants a refreshing straight up WHISKEY and downs it then grabs the bottle. Come on man...everyone knows it is the ultimate thirst quenching refreshing nectar of the gods!
If we're cooking dinner and using limes or lemons, 9 times out of 10, we'll line up tequila or vodka shots, respectively. A shot and some citrus to start the evening.
Prairie Fire is the only hard liquor I’ve ever tried that could get me into real trouble.
I thought prairie fire was a mixed drink, tequila & tabasco sauce? At least it was on my 21st birthday…. unsurprisingly the first and last time I ever allowed myself to be served something like that

better than the gin and heavy cream…

or the cement mixer….

yukon jack




and so on….

i had sadistic roomates. god that was a crazy night
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